Mani Padma Personal mantra and horoscope
1. Personal mantra and horoscope
2. Business and politics
3. Window to eternity
4. Proserpine
5. Keys to space
6. Enlightenment and God
7. Summing up
8. Some new ideas in science
The keys to our planetary system structure are Fibonacci numbers and their harmonics, ratios like golden proportion. Each Fibonacci number is a sum of the previous two – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 etc. The same rule is true for their harmonics - 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 322, 521, 843, 1364 etc. The number of a harmonic is approximately equal to the number of steps between the Fibonacci numbers it compares – 3x11=33 (34), between the 4th and the 9th number there are 5 steps. Or 8x7=56 (55), between the 6th and the 10th– 4 steps.
The periods of all planets are harmonics or golden proportions of 360 years, which are zodiac in degrees, one degree – for one year (as in directions). Mercury –360:1364=0,26 (0,24),Venus – 360:521=0,69 (0,61), Earth –360:322=1,1(1,00004), Mars – 360:199=1,8 (1,88), asteroids – 360:76=4,7(4,6), Jupiter – 360:29=12,4 (11,86), Saturn – 360:11=32,7 (29,46), Uranus–360:4=90 (84), Neptune – 360:5x2=144 (165), Pluto – 360:3x2=240 (248). In brackets– real periods. First Fibonacci numbers proportions (1/2,1/3, 2/3) work for first collective planets: Uranus – 84, Neptune–84x2=168 (-3), Pluto – 84x3=256 (-8) or 165:2x3=247,5. Eris (Xena) –360:5x8=576 (557). Jupiter is a variant of zodiac too, 12 years are 12 signs. Uranus is zodiac and planets – 84=12x7.Their proportion is the 4th harmonic. Planets with exact astrological numbers for their periods give best results:84:47=1,79 (Mars), 84:18=4,67(asteroids), 84:3=28 (Saturn), 84x7=588(Xena), 84x123=10332 (Sedna),12:47=0,255 (Mercury), 12:11=1,09 (Earth),12x29=348 (directions cycle),12x47=564 (Xena), 557:47=11,85 (Jupiter is 11,86).Ten thousands of years are close to the 6th harmonic of Xena –557x18=10026. Besides this resonance with millenniums is created by two harmonics -360x4x7=10080.
God created the world by numbers and geometrical forms. Such as Fibonacci numbers, harmonics and Platonic Solids. Additional keys are seven planets as rulers of seven races by the model of a week. The start of the sixth race and the age of Aquarius is described on the basis of logic and facts without any mysticism. As the change of eras with precession over constellations, ruled by these planets.
1. Personal mantra and horoscope
Mantras are prayers for unbelievers, who need spiritual proofs. As a start to make sure you are on the right path you can try general mantra. Aum Yeum Om. Aum means wisdom, Yeum means force and Om means love. The rhythmic variant - Aum Yeum Aum Yeum Yeum Yeum Aum Yeum Yeum Om Yeum Om Om Om Yeum Om - makes repetition and concentration easier. This general mantra gives spiritual energy to your soul and awakens your spirit.
You have a free choice. Your horoscope can work on different levels. It depends on you how to use your planets in your real life. Your Sun may be your personal God, or your higher Self, or your creative potential. In mantra M means the Sun, other sounds mean elements, planets and zodiac signs. Mantras ending with M lead to spiritual resurrection and growth.
Spiritual astrology interprets personal horoscopes as spiritual programs. Spiritual astrologer helps to change your bad fate by meditation and prayer. God chooses the right level of your horoscope and your problem is solved. There are transcendental aspects of planets (derived from 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19), not used by traditional non-spiritual astrologers, who do not appeal to God. Transcendental meditation with mantras switches this hidden resources and improves the chances given by your horoscope, that is your fate.
Lord, You are our success! Repeat this prayer before any business and God will help you to succeed. Business astrology can choose the right time for meetings, talks and contracts. It is possible to compare your horoscope with horoscopes of partners to test compatibility and horoscopes of firms, companies, enterprises and state organizations to find out their attitude towards your business and your possible success. Saturn is state, laws, rules, restrictions, logic, facts, reality and results. Jupiter is responsible for business in general, for business as private initiative. Its aspects both natal and transitive show all perspectives of your business idea and problems that are waiting for you in the near and distant future. Mars is competition and taxes, Venus is money, Mercury is commerce, Sun is gold, creative energy, inspiration and impulse for work. Aspects of all these planets in the beginning of any process can determine its end. Success in business depends on this combination of planets and on its interpretation by God. Meditation and prayer change negative combinations into complex harmonious, resolving all contradictions as in music in a finale chord. Any sun meditation is addressed to the same Source of energy and success as all prayers.
Lord, You are our defense! Repeat this prayer if you are threatened by criminals, rivals or enemies. Reinforce your mantra by a direct and conscious appeal to the Source of all life. If you do not believe in God or do not trust Him, meditate on the Sun. Sun, You are my force! Sun, You are my life! Sun, You are me health! Etc.
Aquarius. The age of Aquarius opens space and new spiritual astrology for 2 thousands years. In the southern hemisphere it is accompanied by the age of Lion, ruled by Sun. Its element is fire and its quality is inspiration, creativity and direct revelation of God. Australia is the future spiritual center of our civilization and the start of the sixth race. Its development will be in the USA and Siberia, and it will last for 13 thousands years. The planet of the sixth race is Venus, the ruler of the sixth day of the week. It gives beauty and success in love and art. The sixth race is opened by new cinema. Hollywood is only a beginning. The future films will show the reality of space as fantasy. And the Earth will enter the community of Galaxy civilizations by its art and religion of Light.
The Earth longitude is divided into 12 Zodiac sectors by 30 degrees each. Europe is Pisces (0-30), Europe Russia, Iran, Iraq and Israel are Ares (30-60), India and Siberia are Taurus (60-90), Western China and Far East are Gemini (90-120), Eastern China and Japan are Cancer (120-150), Australia and New Zeeland are Lion (150-180), Alaska is Virgin (180-210), Western Canada and The Pacific coast of the USA are Libra (210-240), The rest of Canada and USA is Scorpio (240-270) and Sagittarius (270-300), Latin America is Sagittarius (270-300) and Capricorn (300-330), England and Spain are Aquarius (330-360).
These sectors are activated by the change of eras (2155 years each). Pisces, Christianity is Europe, Ares, Judaism is Near East, Taurus, Hinduism is India etc. Now Lion is in Australia and New Zeeland, Aquarius is in Great Britain and Spain. This explains the spread of Anglo-Saxons and Spanish language in Northern and Southern America. Planets, ruling these signs are activated as in the days of the week. Sun (Lion) is the 1ST, Austroloid race, Moon (Cancer) is the 2nd, Negroid, black race, Mars (Scorpio) is the 3rd, Mongoloid red race, Mercury (Gemini) is the 4th, Mongoloid yellow race, Jupiter (Pisces) is the 5th, Europeoid, white race, Venus (Libra) is the 6th, starting race, Saturn (Capricorn) is the 7th, distant future race.
So the 6th race will reach its peak in the era of Libra on the territory of the USA. (The start is the fire sign, Lion, Australia).The 7th race will reach its peak in the era of Capricorn on the territory of Latin America. The future influences the present and these territories develop according to the qualities of the ruling planets. Hollywood is Venus (beauty and love), the ruler of the 6th race. The sector of Scorpio gives Hollywood films and actors the risk and mystery that makes them attractive all over the world. The sector of Sagittarius gives Americans luck and success.
Planets, stars and galaxies are real astral factors influencing our life. God in a horoscope is Sun, its center, starting point and goal. Sun meditation gives energy as well as prayer. Sun, you are our health! Sun, your are our life! Lord, You are our defense! Lord, You are our success! Lord, You are our force! Lord, You are our love! Lord, You are our wisdom! The last word in this meditation or prayer pattern (meant for repetition) can be changed to fit the situation or needs. Without Sun or God horoscope and life are meaningless, problems are not solved, results are not achieved. Any shift of accent from Sun to other planets makes horoscope fatalistic and astrological forecasts – pessimistic and negative. That reflects reality because Sun is absolute, it has no shade as dualistic planets, joining positive and negative aspects of life. God helps a spiritual astrologer to find best opportunities for his clients as well as for himself, to avoid possible pitfalls and dangers, illusions and lies. Fate is flexible, it is a combination of variants based on different interpretations of one’s horoscope. People choose their fate, choosing their own subconscious interpretations and consciously choosing astrologers. Difference in forecasts made by different astrological experts is explained by freedom of will. Both persons and nations can cancel any bad prediction by ethical choice, changing their psychology and attitude towards life. It makes some astrologers with their too deterministic forecasts outdated but not the astrology in general.
Besides discovery of opportunities to be realized astrology may be useful in another way. It gives a clue to mantra-yoga. Astrological meaning of sounds as elements, planets and zodiac signs explains psychic, energetic effects of mantras. And opens up perspectives for the conscious correction of fate. M- fire, N – air, L – water, R – earth. A – Saturn and Uranus, E – Jupiter and Neptune, I – Mars and Pluto, O – Venus and Vulcan, U – Mercury and Proserpine. D – Aries, S – Taurus, J – Gemini, K – Cancer, G – Lion, Sh – Virgo, Z – Libra, T – Scorpio, V – Sagittarius, B – Capricorn, P – Aquarius, F - Pisces. (Creation of personal mantras with this know-how requires my permission, otherwise they won’t work)
Positive, harmonious, creative and transcendental aspects of planets show what sounds can be joined in one combination, mantra. Distribution of planets in houses and zodiac signs show desired accents on solution of problems. M means not only fire but Sun too, because it is the source of energy, denoted by fire. Mantras ending with M lead to God, or enlightenment, inspiration, creativity and fame. On material level Sun is children or gold. Well-known mantras Om and Aum are an example of such symbolic sound programs, giving results for spirit, soul and body. Spiritual liberation, talent and wealth. One more mantra of the same type is Yeum. Meaning Pluto-Jupiter-Mercury-Sun combination in my horoscope. It’s a key to my knowledge and energy, a code to switch on my support. Or to contact with God through my school. These transcendental mantras can be united in Aum Yeum Om, more convenient for mental and oral repetition because of some rhythm.
New transcendental mantra Yeum is spreading now. As a new revelation and new source of wisdom and power from the center of our Galaxy, which is from our point of view in Scorpio/Sagittarius and is ruled by Pluto and Jupiter. Milky Way and its satellites, Magellanic Clouds, with nearest galaxies are the source of the space humanity, our elder brothers, for the whole of the universe.
The changeable prayer (Lord, You are our …!) and mantras, which can be personal, based on one’s horoscope, are new methods of religious and cosmic exploration, compatible with alien cultures and opening the coming age of Aquarius, the 2-thousand-years era of space contacts and cooperation, predicted by many spiritual astrologers and visionaries.
The end of the age (not of the world), mentioned in Bible, is the end of 2-thousand-years era of Pisces, or The New Testament. The Old Testament was the era of Aries. Brahmanism was the era of Taurus. Ancient Chinese religions, revived as Confucianism and Taoism, were in the eras of Gemini and Cancer. Each era lasting exactly 2147 years. Or approximately 60x 36=2160. As prefer most astrologers. (60 years are the resonance of 5 Jupiter cycles and 2 Saturn cycles, the source of the Eastern calendar
2020 year is the start of a new chain of 60-years Jupiter-Saturn cycles for the age of Aquarius. The first conjunction of both planet in the beginning of the sign. New economic and political conditions and ideas. As a similar conjunction in the beginning of the era of Pisces approximately 120 years B.C.
The age of Aquarius started in 2009. Prelude was in 2003, when Sun and Uranus were in conjunction on the border of Aquarius as a constellation and as a zodiac sign. Development and concretization will be in 2020, Sun in the beginning of Capricorn and Saturn-Jupiter in conjunction in the beginning of Aquarius.
This 30 degrees shift of zodiac signs from corresponds to the movement of precession in the end of the era of Pisces. Each era increases the shift by 30 degrees. And in 12 eras, approximately 26 thousands of years, precession will return to the initial point and the cycle will be closed. Two such precession cycles, 52000 years, are one cycle of civilization, consisting of 7 races. Changing like 7 days of the week. Millenniums have a 7-fase rhythm of change too, similar to other 7-fase rhythms and cycles. All these rhythms resonate, projecting on each other. But as weeks repeat in an endless chain, larger periods are repeated too. The end of the world is just the end of some cycle, it is not absolute. After that a new cycle begins and everything is repeated in a spiral development round one central vector upwards and upwards to one divine unlimited Light.
What will be in 2020? Nothing special, visible to ignorant mobs. Any new cycle takes time to develop and to realize its task. Aquarius opens new dimensions of understanding, explains hidden truths. Scientific research penetrates into new fields of experience, going from physical plane to astral and mental.
Millennium is a combination of rhythms, 7x11x13=1001. Uranus stays 7 years at one zodiac sign. Sun activity cycle is 11 years. Moon returns to the same position in any horoscope each 28 days and 13 times in a year, 28x13=364. These are true moon months, resonating with years. Millenniums can be counted from any date, significant for nations and the whole of mankind. They show our development through labyrinths of time and space. They are historic guidelines for next generations. The start of Aquarius era is the start of the sixth race, which will be dominant for 13000 years. These 13 millennium cycles resonate with moon months. Each millennium can be approximately divided into 28-fases, resonating with days, 1008:28=36. Two such phases are one human life. Besides that one thousand years consist of 34 Saturn cycles. Which is the 9th Fibonacci number, meaning Neptune. Religion and culture, prayer, meditation and ethics, psychology and faith. Millenniums count spiritual results, staying for next races and the whole 52000 years cycle of civilization. Consisting of four 13000 years periods, connected with four elements, or square, or cross.
Aspects of planets are derived from geometrical figures with equal sides. The number of sides corresponds to the number of a planet as they are counted from Saturn to Sun: 1 – Saturn, 2 - Jupiter, 3 – Mars, 4 – Earth (or Moon), 5 – Venus, 6 – Mercury, 7 – Sun. 8 – Uranus, 9 – Neptune, 10 – Pluto, etc. The meaning of aspects is derived from the qualities of corresponding planets. So square or cross is Moon. Human personality, private life, intuition, mother or wife etc. Cross is a space where a man lives. For example, the Earth.
My astrology differs from traditional by my accent on a client’s free will and a possible change of fate. With God’s help and one’s own efforts. Any horoscope describes only a possibility and you can react to any bad prediction using it to cancel unsuitable development of events, otherwise to you unknown and unavoidable. Such astrology helps to get better results in real life. And wins competition with traditional astrological fatalism. Mantra helps to stop any negative trends too. Automatically as you repeat it 10-15 minutes a day in a special time or during daily activities when it is needed.
Your health is precious but sometimes it is lost. How to restore it when traditional medicine does not help? Can any meditation revive your vital forces? Can any astrology help by explanation of the courses of diseases? Don’t hurry to deny alternative medicine, better try it in practice and see how it works. It’s simple and free (if you do everything yourself without a healer’s assistance) . An illness is a lack of energy. If you switch to its source, God, or Sun, or your Higher Self, you feel better and gradually your body returns by itself to its natural healthy state.
Sun, fill my body, soul and spirit with light and warmth!
An illness is a deviation from your life path, a warning from fate that something is incorrect, that you are caught by some illusions, that you must search for the truth. Astrological fate is flexible, it is not a fatal predestination of all events but a combination of variants, chosen by your own actions. It is limited to a certain pattern of karmic reactions to your evil and good deeds. It is described by your horoscope and can be read by an experienced astrologer-psychoanalyst. To help you to see the meaning of your pain. And relieve it by understanding and efforts.
Lord, You are my health! Sun. you are my vital forces!
Any prayer or meditation requires persistence and regularity. You should repeat it as until you get desired results. You must overcome laziness and despair. Efforts are necessary for survival and success both in business and in ordinary life. Health must be earned as money. In your personal horoscope they are both described by the same 2nd house. And spiritual astrology can show you the way to find them in any difficult circumstances using the resources given by your horoscope or your set of potentialities, given at your birth by God. The 6th house of illnesses is also the house of duty, service and work. And it’s up to you to choose the level of its interpretation and implementation in real life. If you are egoistic and lazy, fate warns you of your mistake by a problem with health. Astrologer doesn’t heal you but he can show you the right way of life. The 8th house of death or psychic energy and secrete affairs puts a person before the same choice of level for his horoscope. Either he confronts a mortal crisis or he transcends the limits of ordinary life and becomes a psychic, magician or security agent. Or hides himself from his enemies and all threats. The outcome of a serious illness can be either death or spiritual transformation of personal life and behavior.
Psychic powers and extrasensory perception, connected with the 8th house and its corresponding zodiac sign, Scorpio, can be developed by magic formulas, mantras. For example, AUM YEUM OM. Its ruler, Pluto, is also either death or energy. If you have no energy, you die. If you have energy, you live. Mantras give energy and help to survive. Personal mantras, interpreting personal horoscopes to rise their level of realization, can be created only with my astrological key, a new know-how, first described in my articles and patented in heavens. God won’t give energy to spiritual thieves, trying to use this key without my consent. Or God won’t bless you for ever and your problems will soon come back again. Copyrighted spiritual programs ensure some payment to authors for their hard work in the past.
2. Business and politics
Uranus is space or astrology. (Or science and technology). As the ruler of the new age, Aquarius, it is dominating in modern horoscopes, either destroying everything old and outdated, or initiating new ideas and changes in all spheres of life. This destruction can be felt on the physical level as a disease or crisis. Any opposition to spiritual, cultural, political and economical evolution or revolution is punished by a lower level of Uranus, a lightning strike. Economic diseases or deaths are similar and astrologically identical to physical. Life and wealth are both signified by the 2nd house, opposite to the 8th. Your health is ensured by planets in this sector of your horoscope and other planets with positive aspects to these. Negative aspects may cause illnesses. But not fatally. Aspects can also interpreted differently for different levels of spiritual development. Negative can become complex, denoting problems which can be solved. In this case neither health nor wealth is damaged. Complexities pass and normal life is restored. Astrology can describe these problems and help to avoid any destruction by Uranus or Pluto. And illusions created by Neptune, if it is not working as ethics, prayer and meditation. With mantras too.
The first mantra in the universe was OM. Later came OUM, then AUM. These past spiritual spaces can be entered by one triple fused mantra - AUM OUM OM. It leads back to the source of mantra-yoga. And the source of ancient civilizations, projecting themselves to the Earth as Shambala or Indian culture. OM switches on positive energies of the 2nd house and its corresponding zodiac sign Taurus. Its meaning is love, health and wealth. It is related to Venus, the sixth day of the week, the sixth phase of any seven-phase cycle and the sixth race. These three mantras are offered in Agni-yoga as variants of one and the same. They can help in the study of UFOs as astral phenomena and in a joint space defense from future space terrorists and criminals, which can threaten our civilization from Magellan Clouds and similar chaos galaxies in distant space.
Yoga gives health by many methods, mantra-yoga is a secure path for all. Alternative medicine and spirituality is self-improvement based on self-help. Success in sports can be also ensured by vital energy and concentration techniques, provided by yoga. An astrologically scheduled regime will save any organism from over-training and traumas. Using best days for breakthroughs. Military fitness is psychic-energy-conditioned too. Businessmen and politicians need impulse for successful competition in struggle for top positions in their fields. Energy is all. Meditation tunes you to its source, mantras make concentration easier and more real in everyday life.
My spiritual experience is both personal and universal because I live like everyone else. But I’ve been always healthy under any tension or oppression of circumstances or enemies. And I know why. If want to prevent a physical failure or collapse try meditation with mantras like me.
Everyone can teach only from his own experience, I can teach to do without traditional medicine and stay fit for any challenge of life.
In any horoscope opportunities in business and success are marked by Jupiter and its aspects to other planets. The 2nd house gives money, the 6th house - work out of sense of duty, the 10th house - official job and status. This earth houses triangular is responsible for material results. Jupiter or any planets in these sectors show how you can solve material problems and when you will get what you deserve. They are connected but not identical. Job can be with little payment, hard work can lead to results in distant future, money can be unofficial and easy.
Advertisements are effective if you use your 5th house, corresponding to Lion and its ruler Sun. Planets in this house make your ads concrete, informative and attractive. Otherwise you can miss your target with weak images or appeals that don’t work. No one would believe your promises even if they are true. You need someone else with a proper horoscope. Sun in the 2nd house give opportunities for own effective advertising campaigns or earnings by advertising somebody’s business.
Three air houses are responsible for contacts and information. The 3rd house is market, trade, customers, close trips (within one town) and concrete information about services and goods. Its corresponding sign is Gemini with Mercury as a ruler. The 7th house is related to partners, allies and contracts. The 11th house describes clients and friends, sharing your ideals and new ideas. Air is the element of exchange. Mercury is the god of commerce. Its aspects with Jupiter show perspectives of trade, with other planets – a list of services or products for sale. Mercury in the 2nd house give real money for any goods.
Venus is money. Its natal place and transits in zodiac signs and houses show this final result. The 2nd house and Taurus, its corresponding sign, are the best. Venus is its ruler and without it money won’t return, stay and grow even if you invest a large capital. Its positive and harmonious aspects give the range of your enterprise that always results in cash. Negative aspects show forbidden fields, where you can loose. Sun attracts, Mercury explains and sells, Venus gets bucks and quality goods when you buy. Its taste for life and beauty helps you to choose what is really worth the price. And what you can sell if you need.
Moon gives intuition in all spheres of life and private property or real estate as a result. With Moon in the 10th house you have the status of owner or realtor. In the 2nd house it gives you wealth and health in general or earnings by food and products for home use. With good-aspected Moon you can have a good house and wife. Your mother is good for you too. You can keep your property and organize home business for yourself and for others. Your intuition won’t betray.
Mars is competition, an impulse for fight and drastic measures against rivals in business and personal life. Weak Mars is surrender before a real war. Strong Mars is some persistent activity, a will to win. Horoscopes of your superiors and subordinates can prompt you what to wait from their work. If they are worth the time you spend for them or better change the firm or the staff.
Jupiter is success in general and initiative in concrete fields. Leader qualities and guidelines for business, working ideas for life. It improves situation in any house or zodiac sign where it stands. Even the 8th house is not so dangerous with Jupiter, natal or transit. Its meaning is orientation in crisis or security services labyrinth. It will find a way out of killing illusions and traps. The opposite house, the 2nd , is financial gains. Banks and capital. Jupiter leads to survival and success, shows the way to the top. In politics, career, business, sports, politics, private life, art, science or personal development and spirituality. For business astrology Jupiter is the key to a horoscope.
Saturn means stability, reality, contacts with the state and the law. It can stop you business when it is in opposition to the above-mentioned planets. Or make serious problems when it’s in square. But it refrains from illusions and preserves all results when it is in positive aspects with other planets and in any earth house or corresponding zodiac sign. Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. It gives a status and an official job. For women – a good husband. And a good father for all. Positive Saturn fights criminality and disorder. Negative Saturn makes problems with traditions, rules, regulations and for believers – with Satan and Satanists.
Uranus is changes and new ideas, science and technology, astrology and space exploration, aliens and celestials, rebellions and revolutions, computers and Internet. It is a god of sky and the ruler of the new age, Aquarius. With negative aspects it is a source of chaos and a labyrinth of versions and potentialities, where you can loose yourself for years or for ages after your death. Trans-Saturn planets are transcendent to individuality and personal life. They project collective or super-conscious reality in unexpected impulses coming from nowhere. Neptune for business means relaxation of tension, psychological approach and ethical attitude. With negative aspects it brings illusions, alcohol, drugs. Pluto is masses, collective will, security services and other secrete organizations. With negative aspects – mafia, occultists or masons. It means destruction and death for those, who deserve it, and transformation of instincts, including sexual, for spiritual women and men.
Pluto in Capricorn is in exaltation.(The 10th planet in the 10th zodiac sign). It works on a state level or as a reality factor for ordinary people. Threat of death or loss of money remind them of the inevitable end and of future travel to after-death worlds in multi-dimensional space. It raises the eternal question of the meaning of life and helps to find time for spiritual studies and meditation or prayer. Capricorn is the time for karmic payments or for retribution for past evil and good deeds by human law. Pluto suggests radical transformation of personality or punishes those, who refuse. Money is not eternal, the best way to use it is to spend some part of it for spiritual and humanitarian needs. Leaving children the rest. And teaching them how to earn. Pluto, a god of the underworld, cleans the way for those, who understand this truth, by ruthless mortal bites of Scorpio or by planets in the 8th house of death.
Business like any other activity is senseless if don’t think of its end. God gives richness to those who know what to do with their money after success. Jupiter helps to see distant future and to start long-term programs, which survive any crisis and are continued by heirs and followers with maximum range and effect. The moment of start determines by its horoscope the whole process and its final results. Astrology can find such favorable combinations of planets that guarantee survival and success of any business or other undertakings in politics, art etc.
Show-business has greater accent on Sun, Lion and the 5th house. But in the rest is no different from ordinary enterprise. Politics and art are based on show. Politicians need good Saturn, music and cinema stars need good Venus or planets in Libra. Sun is the source of inspiration and popularity for both, its creative energy enlightens all ethical victories and works of art surviving ages to come.
Business is based on facts and logic, every proposal should be checked in some small experiment before large-scale approval and use. You need not believe in astrology as in religion. It’s dealing not with invisible heavens but with the visible sky. I suggest free astrological consultations for businessmen on condition that they will pay after they see real results.
Politics are interesting as a concrete field of human activity where you can test various forecasts and analytical explanations of motives and events. Politicians will either prove or deny these versions and theories by their behavior and decisions. Astrology can try to compete with pure analysts too. Along with psychics and opposition tribunes.
The instrument of astrology is logic and facts, or facts, interpreted by astro-logic to arrive at next facts. The main astro-factors for politics are slowly moving planets, from Jupiter to Pluto. Quickly moving are subjective and changing, secondary for society and public life. Jupiter is authority and power based on a personal inspirational impulse of a leader to masses. Fire, burning with ideas and energy. Teaching people eternal truths. Saturn is Constitution and legislation, or a government, acting on the basis of laws. Uranus is reforms or revolutionary activities, if reforms are needed but stopped. Also intellectuals and TV, influencing public opinion and the outcome of election campaigns. Experts in science and technology, advising modernization and development programs for economics. And new discoveries and inventions, changing the balance of forces on international scale. Neptune is religious and cultural figures, used by politicians for their support. Pluto is secrete services and powerful influences from different lobbies and forces, national as Jewish in the USA, or economical as in Russia, or communist as in China.
The new recently discovered planet Xena, or Eris (557 years cycle) is related to collective emotions, vital forces and life in general, rooted in hidden underground resources and growing as a plant to the sun. Its close Fibonacci number is 610, which makes it the 12th planet or cycle counting from Sun as one. The 11TH is an astral planet or the 360-years cycle of directions and is connected with the cycle of Sun activity - 11 years. It reflects Sun energy to further space from known planets to unknown astro-factors, which were called Vulcan (discovered as Xena, or Eris), number 12, and Proserpine, number 13. The 14th astro-factor was known, it is the center of our Galaxy, a source of astral energy for its stars. Planet Vulcan (planet Eris, Xena) is a ruler of Taurus, Proserpine is a ruler of Virgo, the center of Milky Way is a ruler of Cancer and Lion together with Moon and Sun. Their astrological meaning is known too. Vulcan (Xena) is collective emotions, Proserpine is collective reason, the center of Galaxy is collective creativity, or inspiration, or enlightenment. As a source of light it is an equivalent of the center of solar system, Sun. The unknown 13th factor may be a planet in other star-planetary systems (for example, Sirius), projected to ours through astral dimensions of space by resonance with other our planets. Close to Fibonacci numbers by days of their periods of rotation around Sun. Number 89 for Mercury, 233 - for Venus, 377 - for Earth, 610 - for Mars, approximately 1600 – for asteroids, 4200 – for Jupiter, 11000 – for Saturn, etc. In years from Jupiter on - 13, 34, 89, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc. Number 11000 corresponds to Sedna, the last discovered planet in our system. These numbers, used by God for the creation of planetary systems, are divine prototypes of planets, deviating from them by some number of years in different stars.
Larger Fibonacci numbers are repetition of smaller: 987, or approximately 1000 is equal to 5x200, 1600=8x200, 2600=13x200, 4200=21x200, 6800=34x200, 11000=55x200, etc. The 50th Fibonacci number is close to 13 milliards. It is the age of the universe during the creation of Sun. The age of Sun, 5 milliards, is the 48th Fibonacci number. Their proportion is golden too. In another scale the age of the universe, 18 milliards of years, is 89 Galaxy rotations, 200 millions of years each. It is the 11th Fibonacci number, planet Xena, a window to space. Golden proportion is a key to the resonance of any cycles of astral energy, underlying all types of physical waves. Brain waves are counted by Fibonacci numbers too. Because any man is a microcosm. Proportion of neighbor or close Fibonacci numbers 3/5=5/8=8/13=13/21=21/34 etc is called golden, because it is present in all works of art and natural beautiful things. This the algorithm of creation, the main know-how of God.
Political success is an interference peak of astral waves. Many cycles have to coincide to raise a man to the top. Some of them are known, some – not. Political predictions are very difficult because any politician lives not only by his own horoscope but also by the horoscope of his country. And it is often not known or not precise. For the USA the oldest, closest to the event and most supported by historical data version is counted for the 4th of July 1776, 5.10 PM. Ascendant is in the middle of Sagittarius (superpower), Pluto - in the 2nd house (secrete money), Neptune - in the 9th (religious idealism) , Uranus – in the 6th (intellectual services), Saturn – in the 10th (Constitution, respect of laws), Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Sun – in the 7th (unity of different states). Mars is also NATO and other military allies. That explains the past and the present of America and give a real basis for political astrology and forecasts.
3. Window to eternity
There will be no expected cataclysm in 2012. Maya calendar promises not the end of the world but only the end of its current cycle. Still these fears are inspired by Christian beliefs, based on an emotional interpretation of Bible. What’s the astrological version of this possibility?
Keys to the structure of the Universe are Fibonacci numbers, created by adding two neighboring: 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55, 34+55=89, 55+89=144, 89+144=233, 144+233=377, 233+377=610, 377+610=987, etc. Cycles of the Universe are counted by milliards of years and have different limits, that can be treated as some transition from the three-dimensional physical plane of existence to a multi-dimensional, astral, mental, spiritual. By Galaxy cycles the 21st Fibonacci number, 110000, the center of the Universe and its summit, will be reached in 11000x200=2200000 millions of years, or 2200 milliards. That’s too far to be feared by modern humanity. Maybe there is a closer end? Let us see. 13 milliards are approximately the 50th Fibonacci number, what will be the 55th ? Pluto number, that can be treated as death. Quick calculation algorithm is 89x200x200x200x200=144 milliards of years. Five steps by 11 numbers. The proportion of each step is approximately 1/200. But 144 is the 12th Fibonacci number, Vulcan, meaning life. It looks like a new start. Like a resurrection, a new life in heavens. But will the world end for everybody or only for some chosen? Galaxies can rotate on 15 such periods, 144x15=2160 milliards of years. The 15th Fibonacci number, 610, is Pluto too. By this pattern the world can die and resurrect 15 times. This associates with Hinduism. Multiple creations and destructions, or reincarnations of the universe. And after that its final end according to Christian beliefs.
Other limits are 10, 21, 55, 610 milliards of years, but they are numerological and not so strong as astrological, supported by astronomical data. The end of the world can also mean the end of a particular civilization. Our world is more familiar and important for us then the Universe as a whole. Lives of civilizations are measured by millions of years within the 200 millions rotation cycle of Galaxy. By its internal aspects – division by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. Or periods of 100, 67, 50, 40, 34, 28, 25, 22, 20 millions of years, etc. One million to the whole cycle is in the same proportion of 1/200 that we used for the calculation of large Fibonacci numbers. It is produced like Fibonacci numbers by the addition of neighboring figures: 1+3=4, 3+4=7, 4+7=11, 7+11=18, 11+18=29, 18+29=47, 29+47=76, 47+76=123, 76+123=199. These figures reflect proportions of Fibonacci numbers standing at several steps from each other. 5x3=13+2, 5x4=21-1, 5x7=34+1, 5x11=55, 5x18=89+1, 5x29=144+1, 5x47=233+2, 5x76=377+3, 5x123=610+5, 5x199=987+8, etc. These proportions are golden too as harmonics of the main - 2/3=3/5=5/8 etc.
Internal cycles of one separate civilization are created by the precession or shift of the initial point of zodiac, 0 degree of Aries, over constellations. For the Earth - one degree in 72 years (one human life), 30 degrees in one astrological era (one new religion), and 360 degrees in approximately 26 thousands of years or 720 degrees in approximately 52 thousands of years (one humanity year). One human year is 52 human weeks, each resonates with one thousand years. One humanity life is 52000x72= approximately 37 hundreds of thousands or 3.7 millions of human years. One Galaxy rotation is approximately 55 humanity lives or reincarnations of one and the same civilization. Which is the 10th Fibonacci number, Pluto. At this limit any civilization dies. And is replaced by another. At the start of our civilization the center of our Galaxy is in the constellation of Scorpio. When it makes a full round over constellations and returns here again, there will be the promised end of the world. And Bible will be confirmed.
Though it is still not so fearful as the end of 6 millenniums after the start of Indo-European nations, connected with biblical culture, prepared from the era of Taurus by Vedas and God. The 7th millennium corresponding to the 7th day of the week is the kingdom of Christ on the Earth. Millenniums are counted approximately backwards and forwards from the start of the age of Aquarius (exactly in 2009). Christ was born not in the beginning of the era of Pisces but 120 years later because of this schedule of transition from the 4th race through the 5th to the 6th. This 7-stage program is a compressed projection of 7 races to the period of acceleration of evolution. Caused by Jupiter-Saturn resonances with the beginning of several eras as in 2020.
Another end of the world is personal. It is human death. There are different cycles explaining different length of different people’s life. Depending on what cycles for them really work. Cycles and sub-cycles of 7 and 10 planets - 7x10=70, or 10x7=70. Cycles of Saturn - 29,5x2=59. Cycles of Jupiter - 12x5=60, 12x6=72, or 12x7=84. The last one is also the cycle of Uranus - 7x12. By Fibonacci numbers any ordinary human life ends between 55, Pluto, and 89, Xena. The cycle of Pluto – 10x10=100, or Pluto and zodiac – 10x12=120. That’s 10 cycles of Jupiter too.
Sun activity cycles resonate with Fibonacci numbers and their harmonics, or Pluto and Jupiter –11x1=11 (13), 11x2=22 (21), 11x3=33 (34), 11x4=44 (47), 11x5=55, 11x6=66, 11x7=77 (76), 11x8=88 (89), 11x9=99 (100), 11x10=110, 11x11=121 (120),11x12=132, 11x13=143 (144). Eleven years are approximately 4000 days. In astrological daily progressions a day is equal to a year. So one Sun activity cycle becomes a cycle of 4000 years. 13 such cycles (143 years) resonate with the 52000 years cycle of civilization. Half of it is one usual human life – 72, or 26000 years. One cycle of precession.
Lunar is a Moon cycle of 28 days when Moon returns to its natal place. 13 such cycles, or lunar months constitute a year, approximately 364 days. 11 such years are 13x11=143 months or the 12th Fibonacci number, 12x12=144. Sun activity cycles of medium human life (11x7=77) are equal to 143x7=1001 lunar months. Or in other words a millennium consists of approximately 7 Vulcan cycles – 144x7=1008.
One human day according to Bible is equal to one thousand of years. One day of earthly life influences 1000 years of after-life existence, one year – 364 thousands of years, one life (72 years) – 26 millions of years. That’s practically eternity. And a Galaxy level , 1/8 of its cycle. The scale of civilizations too. Which exist and continue development in a multi-dimensional space after the end of their three-dimensional physical plane existence. In paradise or in hell. Depending on their activities before the transition to astral and mental planes. The Universe after the 21st structural level or the 11000th stage of existence, 2,2 trillions of years, does not disappear or end in zero. Above its summit God opens endless spaces or heavens. With new opportunities and new cycles, developing studied before. And new generations and civilization go directly from the Universe, Uranus (the 21st level) to Heaven, Neptune (the 34th level) and Pluto (the 55th level). To saints and angels, who live there in an eternal bliss.
All that is good and promising. But what’s the limit for long-livers? What’s the practical use of all these cycles for our earthly life? Taoist sages and Bible patriarchs lived more than ordinary people. What’s their secret and can we somehow live more too? The hope is in the harmony of Fibonacci numbers. The 12th , Vulcan or life, is 144, it can become normal for future medicine and spiritual practices. The limit for long-livers is the 15th , 610, Pluto, Scorpio. Adam lived until the 16th Fibonacci number – 987, or one thousand. It means that even Pluto limits (as 10x7=70) can be passed. But for that you must realize Pluto as psychic energy and God’s will. Mantras give chance to prolong your health and life. Don’t speculate in skepticism, better try.
Lord, help my friends and allies to solve their problems! Give them forces and knowledge to survive and achieve success in this life and happiness in another. Help their friends and relatives to understand them and to cooperate in their common affairs. Lead them all the best way in difficult situations and life labyrinths. Make their dreams real and remind them of my problems too. So that You could help me through them.
A special Maitreya-mantra helps to neutralize all spells.
Om Maitreya, Om Maitryea, Aum Yeum Om Maitreya
Mantras resonate with planets and space structures too. They can override all magic by spiritual accents in one’s horoscope and lead to God, the main Protector and Support. Angels know and use astrology for human affairs. Mantras are angelic prayers, the music of spheres. Personal mantras are more concrete and more effective for concrete persons. Common mantras – AUM YEUM OM – are effective for general spiritual development and common tasks. Maitreya-mantra is for individual and collective meditation, for personal and joint psychic defense. For Agni-yogins and disciples of Moria, for all who need spiritual and psychic protection all over the world.
Moria, the teacher of Maitreya, lived 26 thousands of years ago in the previous age of Aquarius in Atlantis. He studied space and had contacts with aliens, who taught him all he knew. The rise of Atlantis lasted about 2 thousand of years, then came the age of Capricorn and contacts with space were stopped. People gave up all unchecked versions about extraterrestrial sponsors and turned to the restricted reality of earthly existence. Aliens were disappointed and left the Earth to itself. For thousands of years until the ages of Gemini and Taurus, when the center of our civilization was in China and India. Then Shambala was founded in Himalayas and Tibet. Aliens, or mahatmas, taught Chinese and Indians the basics of our modern civilization. And left many myths about flying chariots, preserved in Vedas until our days. In Bible we find a similar description of later events. When these chariots, or starships, visited earthlings again. Egyptian cult of Sirius is inspirited be alien knowledge too.
Astrology is a window to eternity. Sun’s 11-years cycle has the quality of the 11th planet or the 360-years directions cycle (close to the 11th planet) and resonates with all figures that can be divided by 11, which is a proportion of Fibonacci numbers standing from each other at 5 steps. For example: 55:5=11. The 10th number divided by the 5th , 10 – 5 = 5. So 10 steps give a proportion of 11x11=121, or 610:5=122. The structural levels of the Universe can be counted by scores, corresponding to 10 well-known planets. Two scores are physical world, symbolically called “Earth”. Three and four scores are symbolized by Water, aether and astral world . Fife and six – by Air, mental world. Seven and eight – by Fire, spiritual world. Each world or element forms a dodecahedron , called by Plato “Universe”. Four universes are the whole creation, or World. Three upper worlds are called “Heaven” or “Three heavens”, because they are nonmaterial from the physical point of view. Though aether and astral may be considered to be subtle matter. Exploration of these 80 levels is practically eternal and is quite sufficient for anybody who got there, searching for paradise.
Eternity can’t give you money but it is real for souls already in their earthly life. As liberation from stress, caused by the impasse of limited space. Idealism is practical from a psychological point of view. It helps to surpass material problems. Unsolved by quick methods. While waiting for some results, postponed by fate for an indefinite time.
Each dodecahedron has 20 points and 12 planes, corresponding to zodiac signs. They don’t succeed one another but coexist as a structure where you can travel as long as you like. Physical dodecahedron is the real form of the Universe. Close to sphere. Its center is light. Matter is running away from the center after the Big Bang. Initial light produced at this initial stage can be watched and measured to find out where we are moving. Galaxies in our part of the Universe run towards the constellation of Lion, the meeting light from this direction gets warmer, symbolizing the warmth of summer in August and thus identifying this direction with Lion as a zodiac sign. It means that the center of the Universe is in the opposite direction, i.e. in Aquarius. Its ruler Uranus becomes a symbol of the Universe. As the 8th Fibonacci number (21) it symbolizes its center as the 21st structural level. Transitional from physical world to aether.
Years in Sun’s 11-years cycle can be divided into sub-cycles by Fibonacci numbers and produce Fibonacci numbers in the sum as a result. Quintile divides a year into 5 periods, 72 degrees or 73 days each. Eleven years have 55 such sub-cycles, or symbolic reincarnations in 55 lives. In progressions one day stands for one year, 73 days are one human life. These reincarnations take place after death as transition from one space to another. In his physical body a man lives only once. As a start.
One is God, three are body, soul and spirit, four are elements, seven are planets. 1+3=4, 3+4=7, 4+7=11. Sun’s cycle can be divided by this proportion: 4/11+7/11=11. At 7 a child goes to school, at 11he finishes his initial education, at 18 (11+7) he finishes college. These stages of life can be interpreted by the qualities of elements, planets and Sun. If a year is divided by trine into 120 degrees or 121 days (11x11), we get 33 sub-cycles, close 34, the 9th Fibonacci number, Neptune. Spiritual development, faith. If a year is divided by semi-square into 45 degrees or 91 day, the result is 88 sub-cycles, close 89, the 11th Fibonacci number. Collective consciousness and vision of life. These are familiar astrological aspects of planets. Golden proportion gives them a more harmonious interpretation than in traditional astrology. If we divide a year by 13 (which belongs to harmony too) into 28 degrees or days, the result is 143, close to144, the 12th Fibonacci number, Xena (Vulcan), Taurus. Collective emotions, life. The last aspect is the 21st Fibonacci number, 360:21=17 degrees or days. The sum is 231 sub-cycles, close to 233, the 13th Fibonacci number, Proserpine, Virgo. Collective reason, realism
Human life lasts usually from 5 to 8 Sun’s cycles, 55-88 years. Or 72 plus-minus 17 years. This deviation is like Sun’s orbis of 17 degrees. By progressions or directions one degree is one year. It is one half of the 9th Fibonacci number, 34, Neptune. That’s the range of Sun in zodiac. In 34 millions of years the center of our Galaxy passes two constellations, 17x12=204. If we divide its cycle (200) by 11, we get 18 million years. It is the next figure in the row of 1,3,4,7,11…The number of the figure is the number of the steps in that proportion. For example, the 5th figure, 11, is the proportion of Fibonacci numbers separated by 5 steps. The 6th figure,18, means 6 steps. The 11th figure, 199 or approximately 200, divides the number separated by 11 steps. That’s our Galaxy’s rotation cycle, approximately 200 millions of years.
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