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Analysis of your personal horoscope: one concrete question - 10$, one general theme (love, marriage, children, money, work etc.) - 25$, all questions or full analysis - 50$.

Astrological consultations: choice of a job and new variants of earning, assessment of the compatibility of partners and perspectives of business. Success in love, marriage, understanding children, your personal mantra and meditation.

Astrological guide. Astrologer will tell you when it is best to buy or to sell  goods and services and to start your business to get maximum profit.

Astrology for parents. Do want to understand your child and to know his hidden talents?

Astrology of love and marriage. Do you want to understand your partner? Compare your horoscopes with help of an experienced astrologer and see what to wait from your love and what do for success.

Business astrology. You can learn from astrology what to wait from your partners and from concrete firms, companies, enterprises.


Internet astrology. Astrology can show when to buy a computer or finish the main  structure of your site to ensure maximum security and success. When to start advertising your ideas and goods.

Astrology for future stars. Astrology for future music and cinema stars  gives you concrete information. About compatibility with partners, about creative periods: years, months, days. And when to start and to finish the work.

Survival and success. Astrology helps to overcome the crisis, both common and personal, and prompts new ideas  how to rise to the top.

Mantras and  psychic energy for sportsmen. Healing by mantras and prayers: “Lord, You are our health! Lord, You are our life!”

Spiritual astrology. You have a free choice. Your horoscope can work on different levels. It depends on you how to use your planets in your real life. Your Sun may be your personal God, or your higher Self, or your creative potential.


                                 Order mantra or horoscope


     You can get here your general personal mantra, based on your personal horoscope, or a concrete business mantra, a development mantra, a fitness mantra, a money mantra, a success mantra, a tantra mantra, specified according to your situation and needs. A new perfect  mantra Yeum is joint with Vedic mantra Om and Aum into Aum Yeum Om,  convenient for mantra recitation. Chanting mantra is mantra wellness, mantra venture, mantra prayer for your body, soul and spirit. New personal mantra meditation, offered in this site,  is traditional eastern meditation, developed on the astrological basis for the West. It is a healing meditation, an energy enhancement meditation, an insight meditation, depending on what you want. The key to it is your natal horoscope, your horoscope chart. Mantra meditation, meditation energy enhancement, meditation exercises, meditation experience gives you natural meditation power, impossible with any other meditation training or meditation instruction. This meditation technique, meditation therapy is unique. No other meditation teacher uses one’s personal horoscope as a meditation program, a meditation guide, an introduction  to the spiritual meditation, transcendental meditation or yoga meditation, leading you to your higher Self or God inside you. A relaxation meditation without mantra is too difficult for the modern rhythm of life. A quiet meditation with mantra is more real then any other personal meditation you can find. If mantra chanting is impossible, because you are in public, a mental silent meditation would be enough. Practice meditation during the day without any personal meditation master, it is safe and harmless for anyone. Your meditation instructor would be God Himself, the source of spiritual energy you get through your meditation practice, because a mantra is a variant of prayer for everybody who needs help but doesn’t believe in God in the sky or in His presence in everyday life.

    A more conscious constant prayer is based on the changeable formula. Lord, You are our protection! Lord, You are our success! Lord, You are our love! It is a new,  powerful prayer, tested in modern circumstances, extreme situations. It ensures survival and success for ordinary people, not saints, in ordinary life.   Your personal prayer is more close to God than any prayer service in any church. It is concrete and specified. Private prayer is the basis of prayer life. A contemplative prayer becomes a real healing prayer, both for the soul and for the body, when you use a true  prayer guide, an effective key. Changeable formula prompts you the last word, which establishes contact with your problems and gives concentration needed for real results. Silent prayer is possible in any circumstances and in any danger or threat. In public too.

    Besides your personal mantra and prayer you can get here your personal horoscope. Both   birth horoscope and annual horoscope for any year or your daily horoscope for any day or period you like. Career horoscope, money horoscope,  health horoscope, compatibility horoscope, romance horoscope, love horoscope, sex horoscope etc. Horoscope forecasts in business, horoscope predictions in personal life can save you money  and time. Horoscope compatibility is more sure than pure psychological, astrology love match is more predictable than some random partner. Natal astrology is specified in relationship astrology, love astrology, sexual astrology, dealing with private life, or financial astrology and career astrology, dealing with jobs. In general traditional astrology is subdivided into personal astrology and esoteric astrology, or psychic astrology, mythical astrology, dealing with subtle energy and subtle worlds. Western astrology, or real astrology, as they call it, or is based on zodiac signs, logic and facts. Vedic astrology – on yoga and Indian culture, leading to mystic dimensions of life, constellations and space. Both are needed as earth and heaven. For  men live in both material, exterior and spiritual, interior  worlds. And to solve their problems astrology reading must  take into account all. Personal mantras, based on personal horoscopes, join both traditions in one.

    Yoga meditation, yoga practice in general  is developing psychic abilities, intuition, helping to feel hidden reality, both dangerous and promising,  and opportunities in all spheres of life. Mantra-yoga is the key to all other yoga  training. Karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, bhakti-yoga etc.

    To get your personal mantra or horoscope for 25$ send your birth data (year, month, day, hour, minutes and city) to

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