Serge Nazar
Politics are interesting as a concrete field of human activity where you can test various forecasts and analytical explanations of motives and events. Politicians will either prove or deny these versions and theories by their behavior and decisions. Astrology can try to compete with pure analysts too. Along with psychics and opposition tribunes. The instrument of astrology is logic and facts, or facts, interpreted by astro-logic to arrive at next facts. The main astro-factors for politics are slowly moving planets, from Jupiter to Pluto. Quickly moving are subjective and changing, secondary for society and public life. Jupiter is authority and power based on a personal inspirational impulse of a leader to masses. Fire, burning with ideas and energy. Teaching people eternal truths. Saturn is Constitution and legislation, or a government, acting on the basis of laws. Uranus is reforms or revolutionary activities, if reforms are needed but stopped. Also intellectuals and TV, influencing public opinion and the outcome of election campaigns. Experts in science and technology, advising modernization and development programs for economics. And new discoveries and inventions, changing the balance of forces on international scale. Neptune is religious and cultural figures, used by politicians for their support. Pluto is secrete services and powerful influences from different lobbies and forces, national as Jewish in the USA, or economical as in Russia, or communist as in China. The new recently discovered planet Xena (557 years cycle) is related to collective emotions, vital forces and life in general, rooted in hidden underground resources and growing as a plant to the sun. Its close Fibonacci number is 610, which makes it the 12th planet or cycle counting from Sun as one. The 11TH is an astral planet or the 360-years cycle of directions and is connected with the cycle of Sun activity - 11 years. It reflects Sun energy to further space from known planets to unknown astro-factors, which were called Vulcan (discovered as Xena, or Eris), number 12, and Proserpine, number 13. The 14th astro-factor was known, it is the center of our Galaxy, a source of astral energy for its stars. Vulcan (Xena) is a ruler of Taurus, Proserpine is a ruler of Virgo, the center of Milky Way is a ruler of Cancer and Lion together with Moon and Sun. Their astrological meaning is known too. Vulcan (Xena) is collective emotions, Proserpine is collective reason, the center of Galaxy is collective creativity, or inspiration, or enlightenment. As a source of light it is an equivalent of the center of solar system, Sun. The unknown 13th factor may be a planet in other star-planetary systems (for example, Sirius), projected to ours through astral dimensions of space by resonance with other our planets. Close to Fibonacci numbers by days of their periods of rotation around Sun. Number 89 for Mercury, 233 - for Venus, 377 - for Earth, 610 - for Mars, approximately 1600 – for asteroids, 4200 – for Jupiter, 11000 – for Saturn, etc. In years from Jupiter on - 13, 34, 89, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc. Number 11000 corresponds to Sedna, the last discovered planet in our system. These numbers, used by God for the creation of planetary systems, are divine prototypes of planets, deviating from them by some number of years in different stars. Larger Fibonacci numbers are repetition of smaller: 987, or approximately 1000 is equal to 5x200, 1600=8x200, 2600=13x200, 4200=21x200, 6800=34x200, 11000=55x200, etc. The 50th Fibonacci number is close to 13 milliards. It is the age of the universe during the creation of Sun. The age of Sun, 5 milliards, is the 48th Fibonacci number. Their proportion is golden too. In another scale the age of the universe, 18 milliards of years, is 89 Galaxy rotations, 200 millions of years each. It is the 11th Fibonacci number, planet Xena, a window to space. Golden proportion is a key to the resonance of any cycles of astral energy, underlying all types of physical waves. Brain waves are counted by Fibonacci numbers too. Because any man is a microcosm. Proportion of neighbor or close Fibonacci numbers 3/5=5/8=8/13=13/21=21/34 etc is called golden, because it is present in all works of art and natural beautiful things. This the algorithm of creation, the main know-how of God.
Political success is an interference peak of astral waves. Many cycles have to coincide to raise a man to the top. Some of them are known, some – not. Political predictions are very difficult because any politician lives not only by his own horoscope but also by the horoscope of his country. And it is often not known or not precise. For the USA the oldest, closest to the event and most supported by historical data version is counted for the 4th of July 1776, 5.10 PM. Ascendant is in the middle of Sagittarius (superpower), Pluto - in the 2nd house (secrete money), Neptune - in the 9th (religious idealism) , Uranus – in the 6th (intellectual services), Saturn – in the 10th (Constitution, respect of laws), Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Sun – in the 7th (unity of different states). Mars is also NATO and other military allies. That explains the past and the present of America and give a real basis for political astrology and forecasts.
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