Mani Padma   is a pen-name, derived from the Tibetan mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.

       Mani Padma                  Change your fate.





     1. Mantra-yoga                      

     2. Protection mantra                

     3. Agni-mantra                     

     4. Keys to astrology             

     5. Practical ethics                 

     6. Personal defense              

     7. Maitreya                           

     8. Teleportation                    







     Who is Maitreya? The future Buddha, predicted by Gautama. Is he a myth, a legend or real chance of mankind to get enlightenment? Can he change our fates?

     Buddha realized his inner divine essence and let it grow out like a flower to the sky. We can do it too. If we decide so and try hard. I requires both wisdom and a true way of life, an insight into one’s inner light and some meditation to lean the clouds of passions, hiding it the gloom of egoism. Free emission of spiritual rays is the main evidence of Buddha-nature inside us and the main key to the Maitreya’s door to the real spiritual world.


                   Moon is fading in the down,

                   Birds start singing to the sun,

                   But I remember blinking stars.


     Maitreya is no different from you and to understand him you must understand yourself. Find your own inspiration for a breakthrough to another world without leaving this. Nirvana and samsara, ordinary life, are one. That’s the main discovery of Zen. Man is a unity of Earth and Heaven. And his true way is at the same time the way, dao of all things.

     Searching for Maiteya is like searching for one’s own nose with the nose. Where ever you turn, it turns with you, but you can’t ever see it with eyes. So I don’t promises to show you Maytreya, I’ll just try to show you yourself. And maybe after that the problem if Maitreya will be solved too.


     The easiest method of meditation is mantra-yoga. It is a save and sure way to change your fate. Or the interpretation of your horoscope. It has different levels and planets have different meanings. Which to choose depends on God and you. Mantra works both as a sound or mental vibration and a prayer, because it has a meaning, known to God and angels, who support you in everyday life. Om is love, Aum is wisdom, they are the most ancient mantras in the world. When you repeat them, you ask for what they mean and you it gradually develops in your real life. Another, new transcendental  mantra is Yeum. It means power, energy, feeding vital, mental and spiritual growth to heaven, rooted in earth. The real way of  enlightenment and salvation or liberation of your soul. In Buddhism the way starts from wisdom and ends in meditation and contemplation, fusion with God. Nirvana is a sea of love to everything as divine manifestation, the harmony of peace with the world, the esthetic vision of life. In itself nirvana is zero, in unity with samsara it is one. Enlightenment, satori is practical nirvana, realization of the initial insight, from which the Buddhiast way starts. So light is alpha and omega, the source and the essence of Buddism and true spiritual success. It gives the wisdom of understanding of Buddha’s philosophy and its final realization in bliss. That’s why the best sequence or combination of main mantras is Aum Yeum Om.

       If you repeat this triple mantra, you get both Yoga and Buddhist keys to self-improvement and self-development. Because, possibly, Yeum was invented by Maitreya himself. To make the way accessible to all people, living ordinary life. Its more concrete variant is Maitreya-mantra.


       Om Maitreya, Om Maitreya, Aum Yeum Om Maitreya


       To get initial insight without long reading and training, you should appeal to God, the source of all light. But then you must follow the way and change your life. Implement wisdom in feelings and deeds. Clean your soul and enliven your body for a long and happy life as Buddha’s

In this and another world, on earth and heaven, in time and eternity. Alone and with God.


     Mantras are harmonic and symbolic sounds. M means fire, energy, light, God, N – air, information and communication, L – water, feelings and intuition, R – earth, form and physical matter. Mantras, ending in M lead to God. These four elements are their basis as well as the basis of all life. Taoist five elements are real too, but they correspond as symbols not to the four states of matter – plasma, gas, air and solid – but to the five visible planets as intermediaries between Earth and Sun. And five vowels too. A [a:] means Saturn, earth, E [e] – Jupiter, tree, I [i] – Mars, fire, O [o]– Venus, metal, U [u] - Mercury, air. Saturn corresponds to earth as the ruler of Capricorn, Mars – to fire as the ruler of Aries and Mercury to air as the ruler of Gemini. Jupiter means a tree as the symbol of growth. Venus is copper or bronze. The most widely-used metal in ancient times. And a symbol of civilization and culture as its basis. These five Chinese elements interact as the points of a pentagon (constructively) or a pentagonal star (destructively) in acupuncture. And thus correspond to the parts of a human body. Saturn is the left leg, a support, Jupiter is the head, a guide, Mars is the right leg, a kick, Venus is the left arm, a heart,  Mercury is the right arm, a pen. And then the star closes to Saturn again.  A pentagon is smooth and passive, a pentagon star is sharp and active. So they are symbols of war and peace. Both are parts of real life and are natural and necessary for survival and success.

     Minimum, elementary mantras use 4 vibration sounds and 5 vowels, meaning a free flow of energy. Additional 12 consonants mean zodiac signs, the qualities to be implemented and the phases of energy circulation. Symmetrical pairs of sounds are symmetrical signs. B – Capricorn, P – Aquarius, V – Sagittarius, F – Pisces, T – Scorpio, D – Aries, Z – Libra, S – Taurus, Sh – Virgo, J – Gemini, G – Lion, K – Cancer. The whole structure is 9 + 12 = 21, the 8th  Fibonacci number, meaning space and universe. Number 9 is Neptune, the 9th from Sun, and means meditation, prayer, religion.

     So  Aum is Saturn, Mercury and Sun, logic and facts,  reason and conclusions, fire and light,  Yeum is Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun, will, development, knowledge and spirit, Om is Venus and Sun, heart and God. Mantra meditation is a resonance with the  fundamental structure of      life, a reflection or projection of heaven to earth, a unity of God and men. The basic tripile mantra can be developed into a more active rhythmic variant.


                Aum   Yeum Aum Yeum

                Yeum Yeum Aum Yeum   

                Yeum   Om Yeum   Om    

                   Om    Om  Yeum  Om                                                                       


     The accent on Sun in one's horoscope, made by a personal mantra, created on its basis, really changes one's fate. As well as common mantras and prayers. Creation of personal mantras requires some knowledge of astrology and some experience in manta practice. There is nothing mysterious about it, it's like writing verses – talent and intuition are sufficient. They come from God as all other gifts but you can and need to learn it too. This small book is my written blessing to seekers of truth, who find time and desire to master this art by offered mantras and information. So go on with reading and start mentally repeating them at breaks.

     An example of a personal mantra is mine – Reyum Alim Neom. I has four elements as stages or steps and is really based on my horoscope. I like its sound, it associates for me with light. So you must like your own mantra and it must have some flavor or taste. Like music. To resonate with me and easier get my point you can you my mantra too. But finally you should have your own. Because any personal mantra is more concrete and effective than common. Especially for

results in real life – love, family, children, health, money, job, career etc. Common mantras are more transcendental and religious. They help in our pure spiritual needs and don't promise material results. Though this the foundation of all. And common mantra meditation is the best way to start your mantra experiment without any personal guidance, guru or help.

     So don't waste your time in speculations and doubts. Try it and see how it works.


     Another easy and secure way to heaven is prayer. For example, a formula with a changeable last word to fit to the situation and make prayer more attentive and conscious.


        Lord, You are my tranquility! Lord, You are my luck! Lord, You are my love! Lord, You are our protection! Lord, You are our health! Lord, You are our success! Lord, You our life!


     If you don’t believe in God as a person but recognize Him a s the source of vital energy, you can change the fist word too for a meditative symbol.


        Sun, you are my warmth! Sun, are my relaxation! Sun, you are my enlightenment! Heaven, you are my freedom! Heaven, you are my serenity! Space, you are my energy! Eternity, you are my salvation!


     Meditation with symbols or transcendental concepts tunes mind to higher levels of reality they denote. You can also use imagination. Light, flooding from the sky or sun to your soul and body, will attract real spiritual and vital energy, enhancing your health and wellbeing. A white ray to your solar plexus or head will activate all chakras, lotuses, nerve centers and brain. A violet or blue ray like flame inspires meditation and contemplation, spiritual and mental planes. Green enlivens emotions, yellow – physical strength and astral. Red is material achievements and physical plane. Black as an astral weapon destroys. White creates, supports and heals. As a manifestation of God and a synthesis of all concrete colors, unity of all energies and qualities. Blue sky and blue sea induce meditative mood as well as blue stars and activate intellect.

     Faith in yourself and success concentrates all psychic powers on the goal and makes achievement easier. Faith leads to experiment and experiment confirms faith. That’s better then hesitation and loss of nerves and time. Buddhism is spiritual philosophy, yoga is spiritual science. Both rely upon logic and facts. Astrology too. Music of spheres is fundamental harmony of universe as God’s creation, unspoiled by sin, illusions and egoism. Distortion exists only in our consciousness, real world remains the same. And we can feel it give up all false ideas and goals, distracting us from the true meaning of life. Beauty and love.


     The night town is as always mysteriously attractive,

     And in spite of the dark still active.

     I am slowly walking through illuminated noisy streets

     And thinking of some distant weeds and deeds.

     The yellow moon follows me above the roofs

     And I recollect all forgotten arguments and proofs.

     Does God exist or it is a myth?

     Did He create the world as a smith?

     With fire and heavy strokes of His force

     And now He waits for our sincere remorse.

     Adam and Eve left His heavenly divine light

     For the sweet illusion of earthly material delight.

     Paradise was their initial enlightened state of mind

     And nature was to them soft and kind.

     They changed and the world around changed too,

     Now their chances for the return are few.

     But new enlightened men rose from the mud

     And the world opens again like a bud.


     Enlightenment calms down waves of aggression and fear. Reactions of surrounding men change to more peaceful and reasonable. If you want to change the world, start from yourself.


     People will follow you when they will see your results. Smile at hardships and fools. Stick to logic and facts. And use your intuition to search for opportunities and chances. I’ve achieved what I wanted and now can sum up my life for others. I’ve written and published seven quality books (500 pages). Astrology and mantra-yoga (4), mathematics (1) and verses (2). Almost 3000 rimed lines. Thanks to Zen and Yoga, illumination, mantra meditation and prayer. I earn my living by flowers and astrology, so I write for the future and other people. Without compromises for cheep popularity and fast sales. I am completely healthy and have a loving family. At 55 I’m satisfied with my life and I wish you the same. That’s why I write this eighth book. If you want to realize your ideas, you need inspiration and energy too. And the best source is mantra Yeum in combination with Aum and Om. For material results I have a special personal mantra – Aom Yom. It emphasizes astrology (Uranus) and flowers (Venus). Collective invisible planets correspond to the same sounds as their symmetrical individual analogs. A [a:]– Uranus, E [e] –Neptune and I [i] – Pluto. To switch on my Uranus I use its transcendental aspect 5/16 (unknown to traditional astrology) to Venus in the house of money and concentrate on the problems of love and finances. Poetry is Venus too and the third variant of earning after flowers and love or money horoscopes. Astrology in this question worked for me twice and I hope for success again. Though in quick results I never believe.

     If you know your horoscope, you can make right stakes and always win. I made my final decision for marriage also with astrology, though she was young and beautiful. The main question was compatibility in distant future and I didn’t regret my choice a single day. My wife turned out to be a real support for me in difficult times. And even the initial idea of this book (about Maitreya) was prompted by her. She doesn’t believe in any Maitreya and considers it just a game, though useful as an idea of religious synthesis. So she advised me to describe it from this point of view my own religious researches and experiments. In interpreting Buddhism and Agni-yoga, where Maitreya is predicted and promised as a future buddha. Some fools declare themselves to be Maitreya, even not understanding, what an enlightened one or buddha is. So my Zen experience gives a clue to this mystery or riddle and a book about it might be useful and interesting. As Capricorn my wife is realistic and practical, interested only in real results. And I decided to write a book for people like her. Concise and effective in solving problems. In English because Americans are more practical and accept new ideas quicker and easier. Even if they are foreign. And know more about mantras and Zen.

     So planets in the house of money, second from ascendant, horizon, show possible ways of earning. Zodiac signs in these houses and their rulers too. You don’t need to know all astrology to check up this point in your horoscope (made by a computer program). Only learn the meanings of planets for this question. Sun is games, toys, goods and services for children, creativity and spirituality. Moon is any services, goods for home, real estate, foods, a nurse or a housewife. Mercury is trade, consulting, management, intermediary services, communications,  mass media, science  and city transport. Venus is everything beautiful and sweet, art, beauty, perfumes, dating services, cash, court. Mars is military professions, sports, metal goods and tools, motors, cars, technology, weapons, physical labor, a turner, a surgeon, a policeman. Jupiter is a businessman or a chief, a banker, a producer, a director, a guide, a politician, a philosopher, a teacher or any leader in any field. Saturn is control, law, state jobs, organizations, a president (of a company), an administrator. Uranus is electricity, electronics, computers, programs, television, astronomy, astrology, aviation, mathematics, space, inventions and discoveries, any new ideas. Neptune is psychology, culture, classical and ethical art, religion, fish, sea foods, alcohol. Pluto is security services, insurance, risky professions, funeral services, inheritance, any energy, oil.    

     Compatibility depends on the aspects (relations) of Venus (love), Mars (sex), Moon (a wife and a mother), Saturn (a husband and a father), Sun (happiness). If the angle between planets is close to 180°, 90°, 45°, 135°, their relations are problematic, blue. If 120°, 60°, 30°, 150°, they are positive, red. If 72°, 144°, 36°, 108°, they are harmonic, green. (Some astrologers use other color correspondences). Creative – 51.4°102.9°, 154.3°. Transcendental 40°, 80°, 160°.

     Blue aspects require mental work red – action, green – emotions. Creative may be colored in yellow, transcendental in violet. Conjunction, 0° is for most of the planets  positive and for some incompatible - problematic. Possible deviation, orbis, for major aspects (0°, 180°, 120°, 90°, 72°, 60°, 51.4°) may be up to 5°, for Moon - 7°, for Sun 10°. For other, minor aspects respectively 1°, 1.5°, 2°. The same minor orbis stands for transits, current relations of planets to the natal chart.

Compatibility of horoscopes needs medium orbises of 5° for the major aspects of Sum, 3° - for major aspects of Moon and minor of Sun°, 2° for minor aspects of Moon and major aspects of other planets and 1° for their minor aspects. For an intellectual man (a Mercury type) aspects may be 1°  wider, for spiritual (a Sun type) - 2°. When problems are solved. Unemotional, passive people (a Moon type) can loose in their major positive and harmonic aspects  1°, brutal (a Mars type) - 2°. So 5° is a medium norm of average emotional life (a Venus type). The number of degrees in an orbis corresponds to the number of the type planet from Saturn to Sun.

In deadlock extreme, existential  situations major aspects can become as narrow as minor. To avoid problems a man concentrates on the essential and skips the rest.

    Aspects divide the circle in parts 1/1, ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 2/5, 2/7, 3/7, 1/8, 3/8, 1/9, 2/9, 4/9, 1/10, 3/10, 1/12, 5/12 etc. Major aspects are the first seven, minor - all next. Additional aspects 1/11, 1/13, 1/17, 1/19 and similar 2/11, 3/11 etc are transcendental and cosmic. They show the will of God or chances, given by meditation and prayer. Or the work of karma as 1/9, which called karmic by astrologers who don’t see heaven and take into account only earth. Aspects as numbers, dividing the circle, get their qualities  from the planets of corresponding numbers. 1/1 – Saturn, ½ - Jupiter, 1/3 – Mars, ¼ - Earth and Moon, 1/5 – Venus, 1/6 – Mercury, 1/7 – Sun, 1/8 – Uranus, 1/9 – Neptune, 1/10 – Pluto. That’s the key to their quick, easy and logical interpretation, helping to get the maximum from one’s horoscope and to change one’s fate. Because you live it as you interpret it. If you call problematic aspects negative and don’t try to solve the problems, they become negative in reality. Of you consider your fate unlucky, you will never see any luck. No horoscope cancels the freedom of will. It only gives a set of opportunities and possibilities. And it’s up to you which to choose.

   True astrology must enhance activity, showing the best way to use your chances. Meditation must switch on additional transcendental aspects and change your fate your fate to the full. If I did not meditate, I would sell flowers all my life or would translate another's thoughts without any own.  (As a graduate of a Linguistic University). But I chose Zen and got from it experience and inspiration for verses. At first - haiku in Japanese style then more European rimed. Later I mastered mantra meditation and from esoteric friends I learnt astrology. And I changed my fate. Made it more interesting for other people and myself. More useful and more inspiring. Now I help as an astrologer my clients to change  their fates. To discover their chances for better life and to fulfill their destinies as suggested by my own experience and God.


                 Sun is hiding in the clouds,

                 Which are obstinate and proud.

                 Threatening dark, lazy and slow,

                 But I know, the wind will blow.     


     So where is Maitreya? Find him here and now. Inside you. Become a buddha for yourself.

If Maitreya comes to the ignorant fools they will not like him and his teaching. Or even try to kill him, if he disturbs them in their sleep. All religions flow from one Source. And Maitreya would proclaim this truth. But fanatics want to be exclusive and deny universal ethics and philosophy.

The new age of Aquarius needs a new teaching  but are people ready to accept it? Let’s start from simple truths and learn by our own experience omnipresence of God both in religions and life.


        Lord, You are our wisdom! Lord, You are our power! Lord, You  are our love!                                                                                                               



                         Protection mantra     



     Psychic protection from any threats, both astral and physical, is an interesting and promising idea to experiment with. If loose nothing if you try. And if you have nothing to loose at all, you the right man for success. Fear and doubts dissipate energy  and it doesn’t work to the full. But if you have no other chances to survive, you can concentrate and win. If you have the weapon you need.  I had enough extreme situations, real dangers and enemies, who dreamed of wiping me away like dust. Who envied and hated me for my spiritual ideas and opportunities. Who tied to kill me or at least to stop me for ever. And to steal all my results.

    Ordinary people in Russia can’t have guns for self-defense and I used various methods of psychic and astral protection. The most effective are the most fantastic. For a sure start the best is a protection mantra. It can be personal and common. More or less spiritual. Yeum give energy and power too, but it supposes spiritual development and works at larger spans of space and time. More simple is a Scorpio-Taurus mantra Tim Som. The first part means secret force, the second – survival, health and well-being as the goal and result of the first. So it is designed not only for self-defense but material success and money too. For life in misery is a slow death. And a method of genocide too. The rhythmic variant of the mantra is more convenient for mental repetition.


                Tim Som Tim Som

                Som Som Tim Som


     It’s free and harmless. You needn’t even spend your time for a special meditation. Repeat it just by the way at day time in transport or during a walk. When you have a break or a rest. When you go to bed for sleep etc. And in extreme situations, when you have nothing and nobody for help. Instead of despair and a psychological breakdown and collapse. I works. I you don’t believe in psychic energy and other mysticism, explain it psychologically as means of concentration to cool down and sharpen reflexes. Any way you explain it, it works. And what else do you need? Nothing. Just do it and stay alive. Or save your money.

     Black magic, witchcraft are neutralized too. Health, undermined by astral pressure, is restored and improved. It won’t make you a millionaire, that I don’t promise, but some material minimum, necessary for survival you’ll get. For better results you need your personal mantra, created by a good astrologer. But as a free start it’s enough.

     If you want to develop your own psychic abilities and you are not in a hurry, consider a chakra–mantra Reil Noum  or a shorter version without R as a name of God, Eyl Noum  These sounds correspond to a ladder of planets-cakras from Saturn, muladhara (“R” as earth) through Jupiter and Mars (“ei”)  to Moon, solar plexus (“l” as water), Venus and Mercury (“ou” and “n” as air) and Sun, sahasrara, brain (“m” as fire). Rhythmic variant –


                Reil Noum Reil Noum

                Oum Oum  Reil Noum



     This chakra-mantra rises, transforms and sublimes energy from lower, material chakras to higher, spiritual.  And opens lotuses of subtle vision and sensation, able to warn you about possible threat beforehand. So that you could just avoid scam and scum. Without a war. The prayer with the changeable word can help too.


           Lord, You are my intuition! Lord, You are my sagacity! Lord, You are my force! Lord, You are my defense! Lord, You are my victory!






     Agni-yoga in the book “Aum” recommends variations of mantra Om – Oum and Aum. For rhythm they may be united into one Agni-mantra – Aum Oum Om. It is a project for the exploration of space. Mantra Om is ancient and universal, extraterrestrial civilizations know and use it too. As well as its variations. So Agni-mantra can create a space resonance with aliens, flying to Earth for the exploration of humans. Though they are by their biology human too.

Because laws of nature and evolution are the same everywhere. But psychologically and culturally they are different and for positive contact and possible cooperation on the future we need common ideas and experience. Mantra Om is one of them. They are also monotheist and pantheism as earthlings but all their traditional prayers are different. They have their own spiritual teachers and prophets and ours are for them of no interest. Except Moria and Maitreya, proclaimed in Agni-yoga, a teaching about space, dealing with aliens and interesting for them because of its content. Our Brothers in Reason in Agni-yoga are presented as Elder Brothers of humanity and it appeals to their self-esteem/ And is true because they really much older then our civilization and we have common ancestors – Adam and Eve. As well as later biblical patriarchs, who in reality lived millions and more years ago in space until Noah, who swam to Earth from Antares in an astral ship in the times of Sumerians. On the wave of an astral Flood, drowning descendants of Cain.  Contact ear’s vision and recollection of aliens is distorted by their subconscious fears and astral influences, accompanying alien astral flights. Alien by gens and appearance are no more different than races on Earth. Though their size depends on the gravitation on their motherland planet. Pygmies are of alien origin too from a big heavy planet. Atlantis giants were from a small light planet. Human gems circulate in space constantly and Neanderthals are a version primitive men, spread everywhere in primitive civilizations. They are substituted by a homo sapience, when planetary conditions become more soft and fit for their survival. All species spread in space through astral, or holes in space, created in anomalous zones by subtle energies or bio-fields. It’s quite natural and works from the times, when life and men appeared in space milliards of years ago on the first generation of stars.

    Variations of Om were created with linguistic variations of its spelling and pronunciation, which are similar in all languages, both earthly and alien. Om may sound as [om] or [oum] and its spelling may be “aum”, “au” sounding [o:] as in autumn. Then “au” turn from letters to sounds and it becomes [au]. The meaning and effect of the resulting new mantras is different. And they have the right for existence too.

     Tibetan tantra-mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is based on symbols: Mani means a diamond, Saturn, Padma menas Lotus, Moon. Symbols of a man and a woman or two hemispheres of brain, logical and intuitive.  I use it as a pseudonym - Mani Padma or Manipadma.

     The age of Aquarius has a symmetry in the southern hemisphere as the age of Lion. Because seasons there are opposite and the precession of  the vernal equinox there transits opposite constellations. Lion is fire and Sun, a symbol Of God. Agni is a Hindu god of fire, so Agni-yoga opens the new age as a direct manifestation of divine energy. Aquarius is Uranus, air, space. So its cosmic content is destined for the northern  hemisphere, where vernal equinox transits Aquarius.

     Aliens know and recognize Agni-yoga as a teaching close to their ideas and ethics. Maitreya, proclaimed in Agni-yoga, is the main stake of aliens too. It is a thrilling game, who he really is and when will he show up. Perhaps, I know it, but won’t tell. You must find it out yourself. Gautama-Buddha said that Maitreya would come riding a lion. Sure, it’s the new age. It has already started and Maitreya must be very close. He is coming to change fates with light. And as a buddha he must know Zen. And Agni-yoga as a preparation for his own teaching too.

     Fire is rhythm.


           Aum Oum Aum Oum Oum Oum Aum Oum

           Oum   Om Oum   Om   Om   Om Oum   Om




                              Keys to astrology



     Saturn – stones, Jupiter – plants, Mars – animals, Earth – men, Venus – angels, Mercury – archangels, Sun – God. This is the key astrological structure, explaining planetary influences and qualities in a horoscope. Symbolic correspondence, easy to interpret and develop in additional concrete terms. Saturn – a physical body, Jupiter – an aether body, Mars – an astral body and will, Earth – a soul (Moon – personality), Venus – feelings, Mercury – reason, Sun – spirit and Kingdom of God.

     Planets also denote space dimensions. Pluto is zero, elementary particles, Neptune is one dimension, rays, Uranus is two dimensions, fronts of waves, Saturn is the three dimensional physical world, we live in, gravitation and other physical fields, Jupiter is the four-dimensional  aether plane, the essence of biological life, Mars is the astral, subtle world, Earth is the three-dimensional human consciousness and the sixth dimension of reality, Venus is the four-dimensional angelic consciousness and the seventh dimension in general,  Mercury has five dimensions for archangelic consciousness and eight dimensions for the levels of being, Sun means the six-dimensional manifestation of God in the created world and its ninth dimension.

Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are three planes of matter, earth, Sun, Mercury and Venus are three levels of consciousness, heaven, Earth is their unity in a man.

     Periods of planets are not accidental, they are all derived  from 360° of zodiac, each degree interpreted as one year, by harmonics of golden proportion or Lucas numbers – 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, 322, 531, 843, 1364 etc. Each number is a sum of the previous two and

a ratio of distant Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 377 etc. For example, 4x2=8, 7x3=21, 11x5=55, 18x8=144, 29x13=377.  So Mercury – 360:1364=0,26  (0,24),Venus – 360:521=0,69 (0,61), Earth – 360:322=1,1 (1,00004), Mars – 360:199=1,8 (1,88), asteroids – 360:76=4,7 (4,6),  Jupiter – 360:29=12,4 (11,86), Saturn – 360:11=32,7 (29,46), Uranus – 360:4=90 (84), Neptune – 360:5x2=144 (165), Pluto – 360:3x2=240 (248). In brackets are real periods. Golden proportion is a ratio of close Fibonacci numbers – ½, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21 etc. First proportions work for first collective planets: Uranus – 84, Neptune – 84x2=168 (-3), Pluto – 84x3=256 (-8) or 165:2x3=247,5.

     First harmonics are the basis of astrology: 1 – God, 3 –  reason, feelings and will, 4 – fire, air, water and earth, 7 – holy, visible, individual planets, 18 – Moon Node cycle, 29 – days in a month or years in Saturn’s cycle. Zodiac is a combination of thee level of personality and four elements - 3x4=12. Twelve year Jupiter cycle is the basis of Eastern animal zodiac. Seven Jupiter cycles, equal to Uranus cycle (12x7=84), are phases of human life and its possible length. Another its variant is twelve 7-year cycles. Uranus means mathematics and astrology and its period in years is the most precise. Seven phases of life repeat seven days of the week, the seventh is Saturn day, Saturday, rest and summing up results. You can do it either in body or out of it, it depends on your results. If they are good, you can live on until the end of the cycle at 84, if they are bad, you die near 72 , the average length of life now. If you want to change your fate, use astrological keys and stick to ethical laws.

  Fibonacci numbers for years also measure important accents and periods of life: 1 – Sun, a baby, 2 – Mercury, speaking, 3 – Venus, emotional contact, 5 – Earth and Moon, self-consciousness and personality, 8 – Jupiter, development of abstract reason, 13 – Saturn, logics and facts about the world, 21 – Uranus, new ideas and fundamental changes of mentality, 34 – Neptune, ethical, cultural and religious maturity, 55 – Pluto, energy and hidden power, maturity of will, psychological contact with another world and beginning of preparation for transition to the after-death multi-dimensional space, 89 – 360-year cycle, a window to eternity, 144 – Vulcan or Eris (Xena), the next real planet with 557-years cycle, life after death. Long-livers  realize these last stages on earth, but that’s the limit for them too. If you want to live after 89, you must have a conscious contact with eternity in body. Which is possible only by meditation and prayer. And with the help of God.



                            Practical ethics



    Each era has its ethics, moral principles, ensuring survival and success. In the age of Taurus, Brahmanism, the accent was on health and well-being, hatha-yoga,  God’s presence in nature, pantheism, and collective ecstatic emotions, bhakti-yoga.  In the age of Aries, Judaism, problems were solved by will, action and wars. In the age of Picas, Christianity, the essence of culture was faith, ethics and prayer. In the new age of Aquarius dominant role belongs to science and space research. The age of Lion is creativity, spirituality and enlightenment. So human psychology and behavior changes and some moral rules become outdated. Dreamy and passive Piscas are different from intelligent and intellectual Aquarius or active and forceful Lion.  Before God wanted men to wait in humility for His response, now He wants them to do the job themselves quickly and powerfully. Like the king of the beasts. Pisces’ element is water, feelings, Aquarius’ element is air, information, Lion’s element is fire, energy. If you want to update your life, search and invent, shine and burn. Choose new ideas and inspirations and leave the past to the past. Just drop it and fly.

    God is ever the same, but men become different. Civilizations develop too. Medieval picture of the world is dead. The small limited space and time of its existence turned out to be an illusion, Bible turn out to be a symbolical text and religion lost its war against human reason and science. Earth is not flat and our civilization is not single and unique. We must now find our place in the space community and overcome prejudices of irrational dogmatism.  God is Logos and is logical. We are created as His image and likeness, so we must grow up and understand Him by our reason. Emotional faith with the end of Pisces is not sufficient. We must switch on and use to the full our brain. And believe its conclusions and our own eyes.

     Enlightenment is not a matter of faith, it is experience. It has a proof in itself. As happiness in everyday life. And as a key to paradise in the after-death future. In earthly existence it’s only a glimpse because we have too many problems to solve, but out of the physical world a soul becomes completely free and the light and its delight become permanent.

     Life is a field of battle. Good must defeat evil and we must be on the right side. Contemplation does not cancel ethics, Absolute is above moral rules but they are real too. Bad karma hampers enlightenment, good karma creates conditions for a spiritual breakthrough. Though enlightenment can’t be earned by deeds. It requires understanding transcendental philosophy, an insight into one’s true nature, into the meaning of life. Inner light cleans vision and shows reality as it is. The cause of evil is the fundamental illusion of egoism. Fools think they do unpunished anything they like, ignoring others. But the law of karma stops them by unexpected strikes of fate and forces them to pay all debts to God and men.    

     To avoid karma you must do something good, neutralize bad past by new positive actions and achievements. Karma can’t be abolished  even by God because it is His own law to establish and maintain order in universe and society. Unconditional forgiveness would provoke chaos. Bad karma can be only postponed and annihilated by good karma. When you repent, you win time and get some chance to earn merits for future payment. But if any one promises you to cancel retribution for sins unconditionally and completely, he just lies to steal your money or deceives himself.  False teachings, replacing real ethics by ceremonial magic, serve Satan and provoke atheism. That’s why God allows their fall under the strikes of demons such as totalitarian commies in Russia. And gives new teachings instead.

    Revival of illusionary practices doesn’t solve any personal or social problems and only hides immorality and criminal exploitation. Thieves, buying their services to poison possible opposition in souls at root.

   National success is possible only with efficient personal ethics. Pragmatic philosophy of positive venture in all spheres of life.  The same is true for the civilization as a whole. Extraterrestrial cultures will never contact and support fanatics or fools.  Angels to them will be alien too. And God will not give them talents and other gifts. Truth is simple and diamond transparent. Fight evil with all your might and you will be always right.


     Mantras are keys to energy, both vital and spiritual, codes to development programs, created by God for the convenience of men. Easy to use and safe, unlike occult practices and magic, they give real power to influence people and events. They attract psychic and subtle energy from other dimensions and automatically distribute in the surrounding space. Enhancing positive processes and suppressing negative. They can defend at distance from criminals before real encounter as a preventive measure. From witchcraft and magical astral attacks. Or even from aliens, if you need.

     The basic power mantra is Yeum. It’s an impulse of energy, hitting the target directly to the center. Even when you repeat it once. But with concentration and will. Like a fire arrow or a steel knife.

    Wars are unavoidable. People fight for love, for money, for success. Astral wars go on invisibly between  all rival companies, or nations, or civilizations. Psychic   energy  works through unconscious and conscious contacts at long distance. For extrasensory perception destructive energy is black, constructive energy is white. Transcendental energy looks violet, it brings tranquility, serenity and contemplation. Black rays mean threat and danger, white rays mean perspectives of cooperation. Light analysis  can warn you of hostile, unfriendly plans of all your enemies. And help you to avoid their traps, to get ready for the battles that wait you in the future. Imagine the sun emitting white rays to your head (reason), breast (feelings) and belly (will). It will restore your health and strength and give you  power to win the war. Black rays should be returned to their source and should destroy your rival.  Astral wars develop extrasensory perception, fighting reflexes and  your will. Do not be afraid of them, just win.


             Personal defense.


     Lord, You are our defense! Repeat this prayer if you are threatened by criminals,  rivals or enemies. Reinforce your mantra by a direct and conscious appeal to the Source of all life. If you do not believe in God or do not trust Him, meditate on the Sun. Sun, You are my force! Sun, You are my life! Sun, You are me health!  Etc. God will help you because any sun meditation is addressed to the same Source of energy and success as all prayers. You needn't believe Him, experiment and see what you get. If the danger is neutralized and you need something else, change  the last word of the prayer to express your new wish. Lord, You are our wisdom!   Lord, You are our reason!  Lord, you are our love! No prayer is useless, God remembers everything and answers in appropriate time. Your personal defense and success depend on your own efforts. God. You are our faith!

     Sun, fill our body, soul and spirit with light and warmth!

    God is real. He rules the Earth and Universe by His just laws and we can see His presence in our life summing up all known facts and logically assessing the causes and the consequences of our actions. We can intuitively feel His will in other people’s lives even not knowing all their deeds. We can suppose that He is known to extraterrestrial civilizations too. Otherwise they would not be so tolerant to our developing civilization and would interfere in our affairs in their own interests. But they only watch us and demonstrate their existence by open flights. So that we could get accustomed to their superiority and would be afraid to contact in the future when they start to communicate.

     Aliens are not restricted to their civilizations by the light speed limitation. They can fly in a moment from one star to another. That is they teleport through multidimensional space. Like yogins or fairytale magicians. Which makes them close to astral and mystic experience of human psychics who penetrate into another world and feel space energy working  in their lives.    Teleportation, both mystical and technological,  changes  mentality and psychology of any scientific materialistic civilization to a wider view on religious topics and undermines belief in physical nature of the world. The light speed limitation is true for physical matter and is not real for astral and mental planes of existence. Teleportation of starships proves existence of another dimensions and after-death life. And that is a way to religion and God.

      Logically we can develop the idea and possibility of teleportation in a semi-realistic or semi-fantastic way. Supposing teleportation of information between computers (let us call it Super-Internet) and teleportation of weapons (knives, bullets or bombs). This idea can inspire a fantasy film or book.  An invisible strike at any distance changes the balance of forces in international and interstellar politics. Many humans and aliens dream of such power over the world and fight for control over this project and people involved.

     Aliens use transcendental mantras too. They are common to all  civilizations visiting the Earth. Because we have common relatives in a distant past and common religious ideas. Coming from one and the same God. New transcendental mantra Yeum is spreading now. As a new revelation and new source of wisdom and power from the center of our Galaxy, which is from our point of view in Scorpio/Sagittarius and is ruled by Pluto and Jupiter. Milky Way and its satellites, Magellanic Clouds, with nearest galaxies are the source of the space humanity, our elder brothers, for the whole of the universe. Other visible galaxies are less and later inhabited.   The rest of the universe is not yet humanized at all.

    You may ask how do I know it? Try mantras, old and new, develop extrasensory perception, contact with aliens and you will learn it too.  Extraterrestrial civilizations, patronizing the Earth, support  Agni-yoga and similar teachings  about space. Preparing mankind for future contacts. Self-improvement and self-help, both personal and collective, are  main conditions for human breakthrough into space. Elder brothers can help only those who do the best themselves.  The changeable prayer and mantras, which can be personal, based on one’s horoscope, are new methods of religious and cosmic exploration, compatible with alien cultures and opening the coming age of Aquarius, the 2-thousand-years era  of space contacts and cooperation, predicted by many spiritual astrologers and visionaries. The era of the Third Testament of The Holy Spirit, predicted by saints.       

    All religions promise something that can’t be checked directly, but people never the less believe it. Contradictions between different religions are not in their essence, they are all dealing with multi-dimensions and multi-versions of the Universe and Heavens. The proofs are logical and experimental. Life changes to the better for those who believe in God. You can try and see it all yourself. What are new promises of God, known to me but not yet supported by visible facts? They are about teleportation and Super-Internet, transmission of objects and information through multi-dimensional space. For example, downloads of real films from one computer to another without any modem. Or direct transmissions of images and ideas to a computer from one’s brain.

    I have some interesting spiritual experience but have no time to describe it all in paper or popularity and money for its publication. Can God help me and save it for other people as a hint to new opportunities in life? Why not? God is omnipotent. For Him it is as simple as for me to write an article.  Though this experiment may be secret even for me, its participant, and I can get no real proofs. But I risk nothing if I try. Then why not? Maybe my knowledge of space and world religions is needed and  is already organized into a work of art. A film about my researches and my astral fights. It can become a hit. I’ve sent my images and ideas to the web and maybe you will get them by an ordinary proposal to download a fantasy film or book from some unknown site.

     You can try too. If you have lived an interesting period of life why not try to share it with others. You loose nothing, it doesn’t take any time. Just rely on God and consent to a Super-Internet transmission. Not waiting any quick proofs. Maybe you will succeed and you mental film will help somebody to avoid some traps and to find some truths. Take it as a game. Relax and send. In after-death dimensions people see films too. Creativity continues in all heavens if you start on the Earth. Verses and music are written there too. As a minimum your film will go spiritual dimensions, as a maximum in will go to the Internet.

     If Super-Internet doesn’t work on the Earth, it surely works in space. If it doesn’t work now, it will surely work in the future. Because it is logical for it to exist and for some isolated people and civilizations it is the only way to communicate. And God always gives us what we really want and need. What is a fantasy in one age or civilization is a reality in another. So we must only make the decision to give our information and go on without waiting for quick results.

     Teleportation of information is easier than teleportation of objects. Because ideas and images are not material. If you want to teleport a bullet or a knife, you must first ask yourself, what for do  you really need it? For self-defense from mortal threats? Or just to know that it is possible without any practical use? To achieve something you must concentrate and have no other way to do it. God created a man to be active and now interferes  in human affairs only when people can’t solve their problems themselves. Teleportation is an astral phenomenon impossible in our physical world. It depends on God as all other miracles that violate laws of nature. Which are  established by God for our convenience and can be suspended when He so decides.

     Earthlings have no space weapons to participate in space wars. Teleportation for them is the only chance to survive and preserve independence. So God can give this gift with the right to protect ourselves and our allies from envious and fanatical  opposition of those, who are left behind.  Self-defense or protection by teleportation can be tested in circumstances, when no other methods work. To learn it you first must start with the development of intuition to penetrate through the 4th or 5th dimension to the source of possible danger. Than imagine a proper weapon in your hand,  repeat mentally mantra Yeum and use it as in ordinary reality or in a film. If the danger is known and you just react, see the results. Your enemy should  give up the attack or change his mind and disappear. If he persists, use mantra or prayer and write to me for my protection at distance. For free. I’ve solved all my problems this way and I’m sure of my effective help. Payment will not be rejected, when you feel that it is my interference and decide to support me in your own way.

      Lord, help my friends and allies to solve their problems! Give them forces and knowledge to survive and achieve success in this life and happiness in another. Help their friends and relatives to understand them and to cooperate in their common affairs.  Lead them all the best way in difficult situations and life labyrinths. Make their dreams real and remind them of my problems too. So that You could help me through them.

     White magic uses astral resonances of symbolic formulas with planets and space structures. Black magic uses astral beings, demons, which use these resonances too in negative interpretation or their own evil will. Abuse of astral factors can be stopped by God, Creator of the Universe. Demonic will can repelled by prayer, meditation, mantras. With one’s own efforts or with an experienced psychic’s help.

        Devil and Satan are two different beings. Devil is the 7th demon king, the son of Satan, an imitation of the Son of God. Satan imitates God, hoping to win Him and to take His place in the Universe. As the 7th king Devil imitates Satan or Saturn too. Christ promised that the house that is divided will fall. God divided two imitators of  Saturn, the 7th of the planets, corresponding to 7 archangels, as competitors for the top status. Maitreya  imitated both  and their quarrel to involve into their competition all demons and divide the whole of the satanic kingdom in two fighting chaotic astral spaces. This game weakens black magicians and  Satanists, who are gradually involved in this astral chaos and waste their powers for nothing. Maitreya-mantra helps to neutralize all their spells.  Om Maitreya, Om Maitryea, Aum Yeum Om Maitreya.




    Space Satanists and devil-worshipers are now divided too. Maitreya interpreted Agni-yoga as a spiritual program of cooperation with extraterrestrial allies and helped Elder Brothers of humanity to destroy satanic and demonic civilizations of  Cain’s followers and heirs. As an astral scout Mai… Продолжение »

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