Serge Nazar
In any horoscope opportunities in business and success are marked by Jupiter and its aspects to other planets. The 2nd house gives money, the 6th house - work out of sense of duty, the 10th house - official job and status. This earth houses triangular is responsible for material results. Jupiter or any planets in these sectors show how you can solve material problems and when you will get what you deserve. They are connected but not identical. Job can be with little payment, hard work can lead to results in distant future, money can be unofficial and easy. Advertisements are effective if you use your 5th house, corresponding to Lion and its ruler Sun. Planets in this house make your ads concrete, informative and attractive. Otherwise you can miss your target with weak images or appeals that don’t work. No one would believe your promises even if they are true. You need someone else with a proper horoscope. Sun in the 2nd house give opportunities for own effective advertising campaigns or earnings by advertising somebody’s business. Three air houses are responsible for contacts and information. The 3rd house is market, trade, customers, close trips (within one town) and concrete information about services and goods. Its corresponding sign is Gemini with Mercury as a ruler. The 7th house is related to partners, allies and contracts. The 11th house describes clients and friends, sharing your ideals and new ideas. Air is the element of exchange. Mercury is the god of commerce. Its aspects with Jupiter show perspectives of trade, with other planets – a list of services or products for sale. Mercury in the 2nd house give real money for any goods. Venus is money. Its natal place and transits in zodiac signs and houses show this final result. The 2nd house and Taurus, its corresponding sign, are the best. Venus is its ruler and without it money won’t return, stay and grow even if you invest a large capital. Its positive and harmonious aspects give the range of your enterprise that always results in cash. Negative aspects show forbidden fields, where you can loose. Sun attracts, Mercury explains and sells, Venus gets bucks and quality goods when you buy. Its taste for life and beauty helps you to choose what is really worth the price. And what you can sell if you need. Moon gives intuition in all spheres of life and private property or real estate as a result. With Moon in the 10th house you have the status of owner or realtor. In the 2nd house it gives you wealth and health in general or earnings by food and products for home use. With good-aspected Moon you can have a good house and wife. Your mother is good for you too. You can keep your property and organize home business for yourself and for others. Your intuition won’t betray. Mars is competition, an impulse for fight and drastic measures against rivals in business and personal life. Weak Mars is surrender before a real war. Strong Mars is some persistent activity, a will to win. Horoscopes of your superiors and subordinates can prompt you what to wait from their work. If they are worth the time you spend for them or better change the firm or the staff. Jupiter is success in general and initiative in concrete fields. Leader qualities and guidelines for business, working ideas for life. It improves situation in any house or zodiac sign where it stands. Even the 8th house is not so dangerous with Jupiter, natal or transit. Its meaning is orientation in crisis or security services labyrinth. It will find a way out of killing illusions and traps. The opposite house, the 2nd , is financial gains. Banks and capital. Jupiter leads to survival and success, shows the way to the top. In politics, career, business, sports, politics, private life, art, science or personal development and spirituality. For business astrology Jupiter is the key to a horoscope. Saturn means stability, reality, contacts with the state and the law. It can stop you business when it is in opposition to the above-mentioned planets. Or make serious problems when it’s in square. But it refrains from illusions and preserves all results when it is in positive aspects with other planets and in any earth house or corresponding zodiac sign. Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. It gives a status and an official job. For women – a good husband. And a good father for all. Positive Saturn fights criminality and disorder. Negative Saturn makes problems with traditions, rules, regulations and for believers – with Satan and Satanists. Uranus is changes and new ideas, science and technology, astrology and space exploration, aliens and celestials, rebellions and revolutions, computers and Internet. It is a god of sky and the ruler of the new age, Aquarius. With negative aspects it is a source of chaos and a labyrinth of versions and potentialities, where you can loose yourself for years or for ages after your death. Trans-Saturn planets are transcendent to individuality and personal life. They project collective or super-conscious reality in unexpected impulses coming from nowhere. Neptune for business means relaxation of tension, psychological approach and ethical attitude. With negative aspects it brings illusions, alcohol, drugs. Pluto is masses, collective will, security services and other secrete organizations. With negative aspects – mafia, occultists or masons. It means destruction and death for those, who deserve it, and transformation of instincts, including sexual, for spiritual women and men. Pluto in Capricorn is in exaltation.(The 10th planet in the 10th zodiac sign). It works on a state level or as a reality factor for ordinary people. Threat of death or loss of money remind them of the inevitable end and of future travel to after-death worlds in multi-dimensional space. It raises the eternal question of the meaning of life and helps to find time for spiritual studies and meditation or prayer. Capricorn is the time for karmic payments or for retribution for past evil and good deeds by human law. Pluto suggests radical transformation of personality or punishes those, who refuse. Money is not eternal, the best way to use it is to spend some part of it for spiritual and humanitarian needs. Leaving children the rest. And teaching them how to earn. Pluto, a god of the underworld, cleans the way for those, who understand this truth, by ruthless mortal bites of Scorpio or by planets in the 8th house of death. Business like any other activity is senseless if don’t think of its end. God gives richness to those who know what to do with their money after success. Jupiter helps to see distant future and to start long-term programs, which survive any crisis and are continued by heirs and followers with maximum range and effect. The moment of start determines by its horoscope the whole process and its final results. Astrology can find such favorable combinations of planets that guarantee survival and success of any business or other undertakings in politics, art etc. Show-business has greater accent on Sun, Lion and the 5th house. But in the rest is no different from ordinary enterprise. Politics and art are based on show. Politicians need good Saturn, music and cinema stars need good Venus or planets in Libra. Sun is the source of inspiration and popularity for both, its creative energy enlightens all ethical victories and works of art surviving ages to come. Business is based on facts and logic, every proposal should be checked in some small experiment before large-scale approval and use. You need not believe in astrology as in religion. It’s dealing not with invisible heavens but with the visible sky. I suggest free astrological consultations for businessmen on condition that they will pay after they see real results. Order your horoscopes and forecasts to, Skype - pv377. |
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