Though it still doesn’t become easy, because you have to work hardly, it doesn’t lead to success just by itself. Square is 4, Earth and Moon, planets of man, personality, soul and self-realization. The 4th Fibonacci number is 3, or Mars, which means tension and struggle. In a sublimated interpretation of a square its tension is a stimulus for changes, struggle leads personal realization. Moon turns it into a cycle with 4 phases, connected with elements, Another implementation of 4 is a cross, symbol of life, death and resurrection, dialectics of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. With Fibonacci numbers 4 turns into 3. Square is no longer an impasse. Semi-square is 8, Uranus, a planet of new ideas and unexpected changes. It may give instability, chaos, destruction, if you are afraid of the new, liberating you from the past. But if you accept its challenge and go voluntarily to a new life, changes come smoothly and easily without strikes or stress.
Simple figures from 7 to 19 are transcendental because the circle of 360 degrees, a symbol of life, can not be divided by them precisely. Septile is 7, or Sun, counting from Saturn. It’s a spiritual and creative aspect, leading to God. Next aspects, 11 and 13 get their meaning from the cycles of Sun and Moon, years and months. Biseptile, 14, is the center of Our Galaxy, repetition of Sun as a source of energy on a higher level of space. It’s collective spirituality, creativity and enlightenment, also leading to God. The same is true for 21, the last aspect, meaning the summit of the Universe. Only on a still higher level. Next are more remote and subtle. 17 is a repetition of Saturn (10+7, counting from Sun) as a galaxies net knot, meaning transcendental structures, separate units of one network. 19 is a repetition of Neptune (10+9) as galaxies net itself, meaning transcendental ethics, which ties separated units together. It’s also an approximate radical of 360 degrees, 19x19=361. It repeats 19-fase year cycle on lower level and resonates with degrees and days, giving a clue to their concrete meaning, derived from space as a projection of visible stars, or close civilizations. Which give qualities to our zodiac degrees from their internal life. The empirical meaning of these degrees is a clue to civilizations too. 18 is a repetition of Uranus, a galaxies net cell, sunyata, meditative emptiness, with an additional meaning of Neptune (18=9x2), a sea as a symbol of nirvana. 20 is a repetition of Pluto (20=10x2), space energy, the Universe as a whole, an invisible source of power, giving victory to those who can switch to it by meditation or psychic techniques.
How to get more money and to improve my life? Answers are often illusive like the12th planet Vulcan (in reality Xena), responsible for these issues as a ruler of Taurus. Does it really exist? Or it’s an illusion like promises of quick and easy enrichment in the Internet? Taurus can work without expecting immediate results. We shall try too.
Vulcan (Xena) is a key to exaltations of planets in zodiac signs. The number of a planet corresponds to the number of a sign. Sun exalts in Aries, Mercury – in Taurus, Venus – in Gemini, Moon – in Cancer, Mars – in Lion, Jupiter – in Virgo, Saturn – in Libra, Uranus – in Scorpio, Neptune – in Sagittarius, Pluto – in Capricorn, the 11th astral planet – in Aquarius and Vulcan or Xena – in Pisces. That explains its dreamy and illusive nature. We believe in it but can’t check it up. But the key exists, astrology prompts that it’s ethics and psychology, as a higher level of Pisces. Culture, religion too.
Collective and individual planets are symmetrical. Vulcan or Xena - to Venus, Proserpine – to Mercury. Collective emotions and collective reason are similar to individual, but for a separate personality they work also on a sub-conscious or super-conscious level, involving a man in what he doesn’t want. Unconscious is invisible. Trans-Saturnian planets too. Without a telescope. Proserpine is not discovered at all. Still astrologers calculate Proserpine’s positions on a hypothetical basis discovered by astrological empirical research. Trans-Plutonian planets of German school are seen in astrological charts but not in the sky too. Even by the best telescopes. Maybe they all exist in some other space?
4. Proserpine
Is Proserpine in astral, as some astrologers say, or in other star systems as I suggest? That would explain it all. Proserpine can be projected on our planetoids dividing its influence between many and shifting its focus with new combinations as they move on. Where can be this planet from? A very close and big star is Sirius, its influence is reflected in a well-known Ancient Egyptian cult. Maybe they are in this star system and it’s connected with the Earth by genetic ties of Noah whose ancestors lived in this star? His ship can be interstellar. And the Flood seems to be a space myth, reflecting karmic events on higher structural levels with water qualities, 15th , 19th or from 40th to 60th . There are no waters on our planet that can cover the summits of highest mountains. It’s a scientific fact. Religion can’t any more ignore science and logic or it will die. Bible is a symbolic text and its hidden meaning can be discovered only by astrological symbolism. Bible uses astrology. In the Revelation of John there is a cross of zodiac signs - Taurus, Lion, Scorpio (its another astrological mane of Eagle) and Aquarius (looks like a man or an angel). These are constellations activated by the precession of the angular zodiac signs at the start of the new age. The most important is the 1st , moving on the constellation of Aquarius but the other four have meaning too. As an equivalent of personal angular houses. Or as houses of mankind. Seven stars there are planets. The morning star, rising in our hearts, is Venus. Etc.
Vulcan in Greek myths is a master, a god work. Such is Taurus too. It proves that Vulcan is its ruler. And gives a key to its qualities out of zodiac. The house of money and life corresponds to Taurus and thus is connected with Vulcan. Its rotation cycle in years may be less than the 15th Fibonacci number as it is with other planets of our system and their Fibonacci numerological prototypes. For Proserpine it is less than the 16th. For Xena rotation cycle is known and is less than the 15th as it should be. Only Pluto exceeds his prototype due to the resonance of 1/3 with Saturn and 2/3 with Neptune. There is some Vulcan in my horoscope, 8.12.1955, as I feel it - in the end of Cancer in conjunction with my Uranus, 28 degrees, 35 minutes (not Xena). If it is not from Sirius than it can be from somewhere else. We may be connected by gens with Antares, the civilization of Enoch. Sirius ancestors may be Mathuselah and Lamech. Noah might live in Antares as a repetition of Enoch, closing a loop to Sirius. And Enoch might come to Antares from Large Magellanic Cloud, the civilization of Jared, the inventor of super-speed interstellar ships. Maybe in his civilization there is a 12th planet, resonating through gens and UFOs with the Earth too.
Skepticism about astrology and psychics is understandable. Astrologers and psychics can be skeptical about their colleges too. An astro-factor responsible for realism and skepticism is Proserpine. This hypothetical planet is 13th from Sun as the 1st . It’s an unlucky number because it is the 7th Fibonacci, symbolically connected with the fallen 7th archangel Satanail. But if you count from Saturn, the 7th is Sun, a symbol of God. Satan tried to become God, maybe out of some false interpretation of this numerology, but failed. And could not ever win. This paradox of 7 as a holy number and 13 as evil must be solved by replacing Satan with a new 7th archangel and astrological interpretation of 13 as a year cycle of true Moon months, 28-day lunars. Moon is the queen of night and stars (because they are not visible in the day), the ruler of Cancer, a night zodiac sign. Moon can be problematic too but if you are not afraid of stars these problems can be all solved. Stars are a part of Galaxy, the 14th from Sun, Proserpine is the last planetary factor, the 13th. Seven visible individual planets are the basis of all planetary system, the whole number of planetary levels is the 7th Fibonacci number,13, up to Proserpine. Further planets or factors, if they exist, correspond to higher structural levels of the Universe and are not for that reason so connected by their function with Sun, or some other star. They are projections and representatives of Galaxy and distant space. Moon distributes star energy by its cycles on a human level as well as the energy of Sun, which it reflects. It is an intermediary between a man and the Universe, or a man and God.
Proserpine as the border of planetary system is an intermediary too. The previous 12th level, Xena (or Vulcan), is connected with zodiac, the year cycle of solar energy. It is internal for the system and does not contact with stars. Galaxy is a part of the Universe, its rotations are a measure of the World’s age. So 12 and 14 are the lower and upper limits of 13, Proserpine.
Zodiac is based on 360 degrees, calendar – on 364 days +1. Zodiac can be dived by 12 (30 degrees), calendar can be divided by 13 (28 days). Zodiac is abstract, calendar is concrete. 28 days are a lunar, the cycle of Moon, which returns to its place in one’s horoscope. This is the cycle of personal life, because the Earth is a man (the planet of his habitation) and Moon is its satellite. A zodiac year begins in spring with vegetation on the 21st of March. A calendar year begins in winter with start of the day’s growth. (It is shifted 10 days because of not precise calculation of calendar during three thousands of years, which passed after its start). Another variant of a 13-fases year began in September in Virgo (with 10 days shift too), which is ruled by Proserpine. With which are connected the first 28 days of the cycle, the first phase. Then each phase corresponds to one planet up to Sun, which is connected with the last phase in Lion, the sign of its rule. This year is still used for school and universities. Because Proserpine is collective reason, which helps to study in classes. The start of the cycle in its rule ensures positive conditions for the whole process and its outcome.
The Universe existed 13 milliards of years before Sun. This is a Proserpine cycle too. Numerological with one-milliard phase. Sun appeared at the start of a new cycle and exists 5 milliards of years. 0r 5/13. Which is a golden proportion. A favorable period for something new. Modern civilizations, our contemporaries, can resonate with Fibonacci numbers in the structure of the Universe and develop in creative, harmonious ways.
Precession, 26000 years cycle, can be divided by 13 too in 2000-year phases, corresponding to lunar months. Then 500 years correspond to a week and 72 years (one life) – to a day. 1-18 years are hours from 0 to 6, 18-36 years – from 6 to 12, 36-54 years – from 12 to18, 54-72 years from 18 to 24. Symbolically these stages of a life can be compared to the occupations of one single day.
Astrological skepticism is based on knowledge. I don’t believe myths because I know the reality they reflect. I don’t believe in the end of the world in the coming years, or centuries, or millenniums because I know about astrological cycles in planetary systems, in galaxies and in the Universe. I know that Christianity is connected with the era of Pisces as Judaism was the religion of the era of Aries and that the new era of Aquarius (and Lion for southern hemisphere) will give a new religion too. Nothing is absolute in human world, but God. Who creates religions for ages and civilizations as projections of heavenly truths to our earthly world. Psychics can feel versions or potentialities and take them for a reality. That is not a mistake but a conditioned information. Astrologers have the same problem too. Their predictions produce a reaction, which can change what they predict. Better give conditioned predictions from the beginning. Or tell only about really determined events. Which are few, because we have a freedom of will and can choose our future in a very wide range. Especially if we pray. Realism and skepticism are qualities of Capricorn and Virgo, earthly zodiac signs. Taurus is practical and earthly too. The corresponding 10th, 6th and 2nd houses are also realistic, skeptical, practical on the concrete personal level. In everyday life.
Galaxies of different types are joint in inter-galaxy zodiac. Regular galaxies have two focuses: Sun and Saturn. Spiral galaxies have a center, Mercury, and a periphery, Jupiter. Chaotic galaxies have Venus inside and Mars outside. Symmetrical collective planets correspond to the same structures as individual. Thus the center of our Galaxy is Proserpine. Zodiac signs correspond to their rulers. The center of our Galaxy is also Virgo.
Besides there is a large galaxies cluster in the constellation of Virgo, about 2 thousands. Our local cluster is 20 galaxies, spiral only three. Both clusters belong to one super-cluster. From the structural point of view a galaxies cluster is Mars (10+5=15) and a super-cluster is Jupiter (10+6=16). The center of our super-cluster in Virgo (from our point of view) gives skeptical quality to all who belongs to it, including our Galaxy and our Star. The opposition to Virgo is Pisces, faith. Two spiral galaxies of our cluster (besides Milky Way) are in this constellation and they influence Hinduism and Buddhism. Which have cosmic dimensions in their mythology. At least they knew long ago about the multiplicity of worlds in the Universe.
Space energy can work miracles, if you can only switch to it. The easiest way is meditation with magic combinations of sounds. So called mantras are nothing else but astrologic keys to astral space. M means Sun, the source of energy for all living beings, or fire, the highest level of energy, one of the four elements. AUM, OUM, OM are ancient mantas, ending with M and leading those, who repeat them, to higher powers. You can try them together as one mantra and see how it works. The center of our Galaxy is like the Sun a source of energy for all civilizations, including the Earth, and is also symbolized by M. The same is true for the center of the universe, the source of energy for galaxies. M vibrates in the center of the head, awakening all hidden powers in resonance with space energies, which flow to our soul and to our body. Our spirit lives in a multidimensional mental space, called heaven. God like the sun lives in the sky and rules the world by light and warmth, which flow to all human beings and revive them to a better life.
Meditation with personal mantras was called transcendental. Maha-rishi Mahesh Yogi brought these techniques from India to the West. Scientific check up proved effectiveness of TM and helped to spread it among millions. Later Maha-rishi explained that his personal mantras in reality were names of Hinduism gods. So they were not absolutely personal but never the less they worked. Now there is a chance to get real 100% personal mantras based on one’s horoscope. As a development of Transcendental Meditation on the basis on new discoveries in astrology and meditative techniques. Joint together by spiritual astrological symbolism of sounds and words.
The key transcendental mantra is YEUM. It resonates with the center of our Galaxy as a source of energy for its stars. The next transcendental structural level of the Universe resonating with manta YEUM is inter-galaxy zodiac and Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of Milky Way, as its part. Galaxy rotation shifts its center (from our point of view) over constellations and creates a 12-phase cycle, 17 millions of years each phase. This is Galaxy zodiac.
Earthly zodiac begins in spring when day is equal to night on the 21st of March. That is the start of the vegetation cycle in nature as a general cycle of life. But in the southern hemisphere that day is half a year later then in the northern. It means that zodiac signs in Australia and Latin America are opposite. If you are considered to be a Taurus in reality you are a Scorpio. This new astrological system was revealed by God to open the age of Aquarius-Lion and to give all believers understanding of these new times and a chance for success.
The proportion of a circle to its radius is 44/7, which reminds of the 11-years cycle of Sun’s activity (44=11x4) and 7 visible planets. The center is Sun, idea, subject or God, the circle is Saturn, the edge the individual visible planets’ system, reality, object, matter. Eleven is also the 11th planet, collective consciousness (symmetry to the Earth), four is the 4th planet Earth, individual consciousness, and its satellite Moon, personality. Two rotations of a circle make the 11th Fibonacci number - 44x2=88 (close to 89). This is a possible length of a human life. From 55 to 89 rules Pluto, the 10th Fibonacci number. Natural death for most of the people comes in this period. The average length is in the middle of this period 89-55=34, 34:2=17, 55+17=72. Two rotations remind of a clock, 12x2=24 hours. Human life can be compared to a day.
A square divides a circle to 90 degrees, which is close to 89 too. Sun’s 11-years cycle consists of 4 and 7 (elements and planets).1 – Sun, fire, 2 - Mercury, air, 3 – Venus, water, 4 – Earth, earth, 5 – Sun, Mars, 6 – Mercury, Jupiter, 7 – Venus, Saturn, 8 – Earth (Moon), Uranus, 9 – Mars, Neptune, 10 – Jupiter, Pluto, 11 – Saturn, the 11th planet, or an astral cycle between Pluto (248) and Xena (557). According to calculations by the golden proportion to them its period is close to 360 years (248x3/2=372, 557X5/8=348, or 360+12 and 360-12 ). Besides that 360 years is a cycle of directions, one degree for one year. A close cycle of progressions, one day for one year, is 364. From 1 to 4 are levels of consciousness. From 5 to 7 are exaltations. These are visible planets. The rest from 8 to11 – unconsciousness. Another variant: 8 – Uranus, air, 9 – Neptune, water, 10 – Pluto, fire, 11 – collective consciousness, earth, or collective Earth, mankind. The succession of elements in zodiac.
Zodiac or a year is a real concrete cycle of life, the basis of all other cycles, 360 degrees are easily divided into numbers corresponding to planets (364 days - to 4, 7 and 13) and get from them their meaning as aspects. That’s why 360 is a key number for the second score of planets or astral cycles, starting from the 11th and Xena. The last known planet Sedna’s rotation period is 360x29=10,5 thousands of years. It is the number of days in a month or years in Saturn’s period of rotation (exactly - 29,5). So Sedna is like a month for zodiac and its projection, the 11th astral planet or planetoid and 360-year zodiac is like a day for Sedna. This number belongs to the succession of golden harmonics – 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, 322, 521 etc. Which are proportions of distant Fibonacci numbers. The number of a harmonic is equal to the number of steps to the number it compares. For example, 5x11=55, 13x29=377. Each harmonic is a sum of the previous two, 29=18+11, 18=11+7. All known planets’ periods are in golden proportions to each other and are close to Fibonacci numbers in days or in years. The hypothesis is that all cycles or astral planets between Xena and Sedna, really working in horoscopes, are golden proportions or harmonics of a 360-year zodiac degrees or directions cycle: 13 - 360x2/1=720 (Proserpine), 360x 8/3=960 (another cycle for Proserpine, close to 987), 360x3=1080, (both close to a millennium, which is a real cycle too), 15 – 360x4=1440 (144x10, the 12th Fibonacci number and Pluto), 16 – 360x7=2,5 thousands, 17 – 4 thousands, 18 – 10,5 thousands, Sedna. Ten thousands of years are close to the 6th harmonic of Xena – 557x18=10026. Backwards for close planets golden proportions and harmonics work too, Mercury – 360:1364=0,26 (0,24),Venus – 360:521=0,69 (0,61), Earth – 360:322=1,1 (1,00004), Mars – 360:199=1,8 (1,88), asteroids – 360:76=4,7 (4,6), Jupiter – 360:29=12,4 (11,86), Saturn – 360:11=32,7 (29,46), Uranus – 360:4=90 (84), Neptune – 360:5x2=144 (165), Pluto – 360:3x2=240 (248). In brackets – real periods. First Fibonacci numbers proportions (1/2,1/3, 2/3) work for first collective planets: Uranus – 84, Neptune – 84x2=168 (-3), Pluto – 84x3=256 (-8) or 165:2x3=247,5. Jupiter is a variant of zodiac too, 12 years are 12 signs. Uranus is zodiac and planets – 84=12x7. Their proportion is the 4th harmonic. Planets with exact astrological numbers for their periods give best results: 84:47=1,79 (Mars), 84:18=4,67(asteroids), 84:3=28 (Saturn), 84x7=588 (Xena), 84x123=10332 (Sedna), 12:47=0,255 (Mercury), 12:11=1,09 (Earth), 12x29=348 (directions cycle), 12x47=564 (Xena), 557:47=11,85 (Jupiter is 11,86). Besides the 6th harmonic of Xena, resonance with millenniums is created by two harmonics - 360x4x7=10080.
On this basis we can check up and understand the used 720-years period of Proserpine. It is 360x2 as with Uranus and Neptune. But they are close to Fibonacci numbers, 89 (-5) and 144 (+21), as all other planets and 720-years period is not. The nearest are 610 (close to Xena) and 987. That prompts other variants for Proserpine - 360:3x8=960, 557:3x5=928, 12x76=912, 557:13x21=900, 900:76=11,84 (exact Jupiter). Because it is not a real planet but a cycle, all variants can be working and true Proserpine can be a combination of rhythms or planetoids, resulting by interference in one strong wave, resonating with 720. Such as 960 (720:2x8/3 or 720x4/3). It can explain the known astrological experience and open a new way further research.
Another clue is Proserpine’s resonance with precession – 26000:13=2000, 26000:26=1000, 25920:27=960, 25860:28= 924, 25860:29=892 (89x10, the 11th Fibonacci number, 55x10 is close to Xena’s cycle, 557). Twelve 2155-years eras in 25860 consist of 8 spaces(a cube), 3232 years each. That is 32x100+32, the 5th dimension of 2 in ages and years. In two rounds of precession – the 6th dimension, connected with Sun and meaning humanity’s and human spiritual life, the age of 64, when a man becomes spiritually adult, ready for the next world. With Uranus, heaven or sky, is connected the age of 128, the 7th dimension of 2.
For approximate calculations we can change 29 to 30, 364 to 360 (days to degrees), 89 to 90 (degrees in a square) and 199 to 200 (ages or Galaxy’s rotation period in millions of years), 987 to 1000 (millenniums). This is a reverse process for the numbers used by God in the creation of real time and space from abstract calculations and logical laws. Even figures are derived from more simple and easy for interpretation – 360=2x2x2x3x3x5. Two is Jupiter, three is Mars and five is Venus. The numbers of planets, counted from Saturn to Sun. Big Fibonacci numbers are close to hundreds – from the 15th or 16th, 610+987= 1600-3, 1557+987=2600-16, 2584+1557=4200-19, 4181+2584=6800-35, 6765+4184=11000-54. The 21st Fibonacci number is close to thousands. These Fibonacci hundreds are small Fibonacci numbers multiplied by the 11th harmonic – 3x200=600, 5x200=1000, 8x200=1600 etc.
Pluto period from 55 to 89 can be understood by a comparison with the last stage of pregnancy. These 90 years are nine scores, repeating nine months of prenatal life, corresponding to Sun-Neptune succession. The 10th period is Pluto phase, transition to another space, a birth to an earthly or heavenly life. These nine months correspond to nine zodiac signs and make a square from the beginning to the end. A square breaks the process and starts something new. If you get a new impulse from God. The 10th zodiac sign corresponds to Pluto by exaltation and means reality, real results or structure and space, or karmic retribution for evil and good. Your parents or you get at this phase what is deserved - a child or a new body for after-death life. The proportion of earthly to prenatal life is 120. If we apply it after-death life we get 1080 years, close to a thousand. Humanity’s life is measured by millenniums, for an individual it is a preparation for the next stage, eternity, used for the assessment of earthly life results. It is one half of an era, 1080x2=2160. Two such cycles resonate with two cycles of precession, approximately 52 thousands of years and with a day as a life. Depending on what scale you choose.
Life as a day is divided into 4 parts 18 years each (the 6th harmonic), plus or minus 4 years, 18-4=14 (7x2), 18+4==22 (11x2). Uranus transit through two zodiac signs or two Sun’ activity cycles. It is quite real for a modern man to live 88-89-90-91 years. If he implements the proper cycle and its qualities in his previous life. A close cycle is Uranus period, 84 years. It is the planet of new ideas, changes and sky. Including astrology. If you really except it, you live twelve 7-years periods, Uranus in signs. If you resist it, you lag behind life and Uranus destroys you at the 10th , Pluto 7-year period (10x7=70). For 88 years you must resonate with Sun’s activity cycle, for 89 – with collective consciousness, for 90 – with after-death life, for 91 – with the 13th Fibonacci number (91=7x13), Proserpine and Moon (13x28=364, 13 lunars in a year), or collective reason and personal intuition. If after 44 life begins anew, it lasts for another same period. If you don’t find new resources, you start to die. You loose contact with earthly reality, ignore everything new and live by your past. Generation gap is a signal of your wrong choice, if you want to live on, change your mind.
5. Keys to space
The proportion of a circle to its radius (44/7) is a geometrical key to space, describing the relationship of any center to its periphery. Galaxies like planetary systems have seven cycles of rotation and belts, corresponding to seven planets. And each cycle is divided to 4x11 phases.
The cycle of Sun is between 240-250 millions of years. Each 62 millions there is a serious change of life conditions on the Earth (62x4=248), caused by the square of internal Galaxy aspects in relation to super-clusters of galaxies, forming cubes. Another figure for Sun’s cycle in Galaxy is close to 11x11x2=242. Four and eleven are harmonics of golden proportion. Galaxy cycle is close to the 13th Fibonacci number – 233 for more internal belts, or even to 199 or 200, the 11th golden harmonic as a basis for an average estimate of its rotation period. Another figure, given by scientists, is 275 (5x55, the 5th and the 10th Fibonacci numbers). All these figures in any case correspond to some belts and create energy resonances for Galaxy as a whole and all stars, including Sun. Visible universe is a growing sphere, as I suppose - 4-dimensional. Running away galaxies then are like points on its surface. Higher speeds of their movement at longer distances can’t be explained without some unknown force, as I suppose – aether, the fifth element, or Jupiter, 4-dimensional space of biological life. Galaxies are not accelerated by any physical force, in physical space they move by inertia after the Big Bang at the moment of creation. When matter appeared from nothing as condensation of energy, emitted by God. Any 2-dimensional section of this 4-dimensional sphere resonates with its center in the proportion of 44/7. Universe has 7 layers, corresponding to planets, its periphery is Saturn or solid matter, particles and its center is Sun or light, electromagnetic waves. This light is an equivalent of aether, in relation to which galaxies movement can be watched and measured by telescopes. The center of the universe is projected in our 3-dimensional space to the constellation of Aquarius because we move to the constellation of Lion as is indicated by the initial light, left after the Big Bang.
The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the 8th Fibonacci number, 21. This is a key to the number of the World’s structural levels. The circle is present on three, 21=7x3. Sun, Galaxy and Universe. They resonate with each other and lower levels give clues to higher as personal cycles – clues to civilization and days – clues to years. Space is geometry. As Einstein explained, forces are qualities of universal space. Just another way of its description. So energy is created by geometry. And geometry is just logical creative imagination of God. The universe is a 20-dimensional sphere, rotating around its center, light. Each its 3-dimensional section is a dodecahedron with some concentration of matter along its ribs and at its summits. As the visible concentration of matter around galaxies net cells. Which are projections of dodecahedrons around cubes from higher dimensions and are Uranus too (10+8). Each summit of the dodecahedron corresponds to one dimension of the universe and each 3-dimensional dodecahedron resonates with the whole of space. As well as any galaxies net cell. Twelve sides of a dodecahedron correspond to zodiac signs. Ten its sides (from Aries to Capricorn) rotate and two (Aquarius and Pisces) stand opposite each other as axis. Two-dimensional section of dodecahedron is a decagon. All its proportions are golden. As well as proportions of a dodecahedron’s side, pentagram. Our Galaxy’s 200 million years cycle is divided by this decagon into 20 million phases, which are subdivided by the harmonic proportion 1/200 to hundreds of millenniums, planetary ages, one millennium corresponding to one year of human life. This universal ten-angular is also reflected in our ten-digital calculation system, historically derived from the ten fingers of hands. Which are a reflection of this universal principle too.
So planets from Sun to Pluto resonate with the structure of space. A decagon is derived from a pentagram or a pentagonal star, 10=5x2. Pluto is derived from Mars, the 5th from Sun. Because collective action is created by individual wills. Neptune is derived from Venus, the 3rd from Sun, 9=3x3. Religion, prayer, ethics are based on individual emotions. Uranus is derived from Mercury, the 2nd from Sun, 8=2x2x2. New ideas are based on individual intellect.
Fibonacci numbers are primarily counted from Saturn to Sun and further from Uranus to Pluto and on. This sequence is human and evolutionary, the sequence from Sun to Saturn is divine and creational. Both are true. The 5th Fibonacci number is 5, or Venus, harmony, beauty, love. That’s the essence of Fibonacci numbers and their proportions, called golden, as keys to all art. The 6th Fibonacci number, Mercury, is 8, or Uranus. The 7th, Saturn, is 13, Proserpine. The 8th, Uranus, is 21, Universe. Planets as aspects are also counted from Saturn to Sun. Conjunction – Saturn, opposition – Jupiter, trine – Mars, square – Moon, quintile – Venus, sextile - Mercury, septile – Sun. Conjunction means concrete real contact. Opposition is a line of development. Trine is mutual reinforcement. Square is a cycle of changes. Aspects, derived from 1/5 are based on golden proportions and are called harmonious, 1/10 is harmonious too. Sextile is communicative, informative, it ensures exchange of qualities and mutual coordination. Septile is creative and transcendental because the circle, 360 degrees, symbol of space, can be evenly divided by 7, which is connected with cycles of time as 11, the next Sun’s cycle or 13, a cycle of Moon. All simple figures, starting from 7, are transcendental and their aspects are too.
Aspects as structures are created by figures up to 21, Uranus the planet of space and astrology or the highest level of physical universe. After that figures can mean only time cycles such as 29, days in a month or years in Saturn’s period of rotation. There are no such aspects as 1/29, but a month with its phases can be projected to any cycle and it can be divided by 29. Into 11+18 phases, or (4+7)+(7+11). Simple figures mean new qualities, steps of evolution or creation. They can be studied by close complex figures, 29 days – by 30 degrees (a part of the year), 2x3x5, the first pure time cycle 23 – by 24 hours (2x2x2x3), 31 – by 30 too, 37 – by 36 (6x6), 41 – by 40 (1/9 of zodiac degrees) etc. Though they still mean something else. Working on higher levels of the universe or on longer periods of time. Known and used by angels and God.
The most interesting simple figure is 37. Its two figures can be multiplied with each other and with the figure itself, 3x7x37=777, and give a beautiful meaningful figure as a result. Three and seven are sacred numbers, their unusual qualities are a hint to the possibilities of spiritual world, 777x144=111888. By the way 666 = 1+2+3+4+…+36 (6x6). Its meaning is connected with Mercury, the planet of science and reason. It is a symbol of our modern materialistic civilization, which gave up Christianity and created scientific atheism and Marxism. If we add to it 37, we get its reflection 703, which means spiritual neutralization of rationalism. Three suns are a symbol of the three circular structures of the universe: a planetary system, a galaxy and the universe itself. Seven is also the center of a hexagon, which symbolizes three main colors (red, yellow and blue) and their mixtures (orange, green and violet). The center, where all these six colors blend into white. Additional six mixtures make zodiac signs. Capricorn is red, Taurus is yellow, Virgo is blue. This is the basis, or earth triangle. Pisces is orange, Cancer is green, Scorpio is violet. This is the first mixture, or water triangle. A projection of the hexagon’s center to a circle creates one more color and a seven-phase cycle of rainbow and musical notes. Or weeks and races as a seven-phase cycle in time. Time can be projected to space, space can be projected to time. Three such cycles or structures make 7x3=21 levels of the universe. Though its main structure is 10x2=20 or dodecahedron. The center of the universe is emptiness, or Buddhist sunyata, filled with the Spirit of God.
The range of aspects depends on one’s free choice. You may use additional space factors or not. Ordinary earthlings live within exact zodiac polygons, traditional astrologers know but don’t use even septile. Transcendental and creative energy of Sun. Personal mantras, based on personal horoscopes, can reinforce usual positive, harmonious aspects and switch on new, transcendental. Broadening your personal abilities to a maximum range. Space energy works invisibly but effectively. God created the universe for us and we shouldn’t neglect His gifts.
The 20th level is Pluto, space energy, transmitted from subtle worlds by resonances to human cycles and structures. To solve our problems and enrich our life. Conscious use of space energy by meditation with mantras softens negative aspects in natal charts and averts destructive events, predicted by limited analysis of horoscopes. This is a revolution in astrology and a key to the age of Aquarius, which opens real space. Games are a second reality. The era of Lion in the southern hemisphere is the age games. God plays roles too. As well as angels, which will contact men in the sixth race more often and more directly than ever. Because Venus, the ruler of the sixth race, is a four-dimensional world of angels, from which they influence Earth, the three-dimensional world of men. Mercury, the space of archangels, has five dimensions, Sun, the Kingdom of God, has six. Mars is a symbol of animals, two-dimensional beings, Jupiter is a symbol of one-dimensional plants, Saturn symbolizes zero-dimensional stones. Planets as steps of evolution are counted from Saturn to Sun, the number of each is the number of dimensions it signifies minus one. Uranus has 7 dimensions, Neptune – 8, Pluto – 9. Each multi-dimensional space has many sub-spaces with less dimensions. Three dimensional: Earth – 1, Venus – 4, Mercury – 10, Sun – 20. These are after-death human worlds. Four-dimensional: Venus – 1, Mercury – 5, Sun – 15.These are angelic worlds or after-death worlds for saints. They are all easily counted by the triangle of Pascal. The universe has 21 structural level and 20 dimensions. Further dimensions are subtle worlds or astral, mental, spiritual spaces, where men develop after their death. And which are projected to lower dimensions by their sub-spaces. All four-dimensional – to Venus, all five-dimensional – to Mercury, etc. The sixth race is Scorpio by the projection of Libra, constellation of Venus, to zodiac at the start of the race in the era of Lion.
There are many Pluto periods in the history of the world. Now we live in the end of the period, which started 7 milliards of years ago after 55 rotations of an average galaxy with 200- millions cycle, or 11 milliards after the beginning of the world. Sun rotates around our Galaxy’s center slower, 240-250 millions of years (internal belts – faster), but the average figure for our Galaxy as a whole is 200 too. It is the 11th golden harmonic and it has more powerful resonance than other cycles in other belts. This is the 10th Fibonacci number, Pluto, related to teleportation. Its end is 18 milliards, 89 cycles, the 11th number, related to with collective consciousness and awareness of life and its source. It is close to us because this is the approximate age of the universe. This Pluto period started as magic and exploration of death and finished as resumed teleportation by technological means. Natural or supernatural teleportation is parallel to technological. The conditions and rules are the same. You need some Pluto or Scorpio structure and period. Such as the center of the Milky Way close to Scorpio and the sixth race. Another factor is the sector of Scorpio on the Earth’s surface in the USA. Galaxy rotations are a key to evolution or creation of life and men. The first Fibonacci numbers, multiplied by 200 millions describe the first stages of the universe from Sun (1) to Saturn (7) and from Saturn (1) to Sun (7). God as sui causa, the cause of Himself, and stones are the fist stage, then He creates archangels and plants, angels (Mercury and Jupiter), next – angels and animals (Venus and Mars), the last, fourth stage is for men (Earth), Adam and Eve with seven sons. Heaven and earth are not yet divided into separate physical and subtle worlds and all live in multidimensional space. The fifth stage is contact of men with angels, the start of spiritual evolution, the sixth – with archangels, the seventh – with God. At the same time energy becomes concrete separate astral matter, then aetheral and at last real physical. Stone of the fist stage were just initial forms, prototypes. The 7th Fibonacci number (13) corresponds to 2-3 milliards of years (exactly – 2,6), when initial gas condensed into future super-clusters of galaxies, which is the function of the 7th planet Saturn. At the 8th , Uranus stage (21x200=4,2 milliards) appeared the universe with real separate galaxies and stars. The 9th , Neptune stage (34x200=6,8 milliards) is the appearance of life in seas as science it now describes. It was a projection from multidimensional space of existing plants and animals to now separate physical world. The 10th, Pluto stage (55x200=11 milliards) is the appearance of men, who fled from the paradise to the three-dimensional world where they now live.
6. Enlightenment and God
(plus miscellaneous )
Buddhist enlightenment, Zen, is feeling God’s presence in life, Chinese enlightenment, Taoism, is feeling God’s presence in nature. Zen is more Japanese though it appeared in China as Taoist interpretation of Buddhist religion and was transferred to Japan by missionaries and samurais. Enlightenment qualities helped to survive in mortal combat and inspired enlightenment poems and paintings, the basis of Japanese art and culture in general.
Enlightenment philosophy is hidden pantheism. As Indian religion, its origin. Tao is God’s will, leading all creation, earth and heaven with their inhabitants, from inside along the road of development and improvement. Enlightenment experience is unity with omnipresent God, obedience to his will and fusion with His Spirit in indescribable sea of bliss, called nirvana, meaning absence of strive and suffering. Caused by egoism and illusions of separate existence of men in samsara, material world. In spite of their internal karmic, energetic ties and common origin from God. Enlightenment ideas are similar to hindu religion, Brahmanism, in their common belief in higher Self, inner light, hiding in any human soul like sun behind the clouds in the sky.
Great enlightenment of Gautama Buddha was reproduced by instant enlightenment of Zen masters, starting from the genuine enlightenment of Hui-neng, the historical founder of Zen. Enlightenment philosopher who was the first to understand Buddhism not as annihilation of personality but as an enlightenment project for life, initiated by Gautama for centuries to come.
His enlightenment philosophy revived the essence of Eastern spirituality and gave birth to a growing religion of mystical spirituality now attractive for the West too. The way of Zen from India and China through Japan to America is a spirituality program, designed by God. An ancient religion of the yellow race, which becomes a modern spirituality school for the white.
Seeking God inside gradually leads mankind to supreme God outside and above. Jewish religion was a revelation from heavens and a continuation of the traditional religions of Asia. Islamic religion is another spirituality success of the same origin, lasting for centuries without any spiritual crisis in the scientific age. Serving personal God by the sword and intellect.
Angry God, awesome God of Jewish religion, national religion for the chosen, becomes almighty God of Muslim religion, universal religion for everybody. At least in potentiality because Islam in its teaching is not restricted to Arabs or Asians and we can study and use its ideas for ourselves. To establish direct personal contact with eternal God, creator of the worlds.
Enlightenment is a gift from God, contemplative spirituality liberating men from material illusions and passions, revealing spiritual world. Indian God, pantheistic and internal, though nevertheless real and effective, prepared humanity for Christian religion of faith, hope and love.
Hidden ties of different religions can be seen in modern times in personal spiritual life, when all religions meet in the democratic space of spiritual interaction and exchange. Especially in America where all new ideas get unprejudiced support if they really work. God bless America for the opportunities it gave to all yogins coming from India to try their chance for success. True God loves the truth of healthy spirituality, practical spirituality giving people chance to survive
and realize holy God’s presence in their lives. So that they could praise, honor and glorify God of modern spirituality, living in human hearts. God answers private silent prayers outside temples and churches better than impatient demands of fanatical crowds, misrepresenting God
in their refusal to tolerate alternative spirituality of the new age of Aquarius, opening the era of joint psychology, religion, science and art. God cares for those who trust Him in extreme circumstances, thanking for the minimum they get for their service to Him and mankind. God desires justice in human society like in angelic and does His best to establish His kingdom on Earth.
Religious enlightenment, both Eastern and Western, is a way to this new age, new world and new mankind.
God is the source of energy for the entire universe. The law of conservation of energy works in the physical world. In which energy does not decrease and or increase. It got the energy from God at its creation, during the Big Bang, and further it exists and is growing by inertia. The spiritual world is based on a law of increase of energy, i.e. energy there is constantly growing. It flows to the spiritual world from God. Prior to the creation of the world there was no physical energy. So there was nothing to preserve and the law of conservation didn’t make sense. With the creation of the world it still has not worked since creation of the world is only possible under the law of increase of energy. In this case physical. After creation, it switched on and now operates continuously. But this does not prove that it worked always and that the energy in the physical world has never increased.
Science studies the universe such as it is now but on this basis it is impossible to describe what it was before, i.e. creation itself or the state of the universe before the Big Bang. If the existing laws of physics are used to describe the state of matter in the very beginning of the universe they show infinite density at the zero point of space. What is logically contradictory, because actual infinity, as proved by modern mathematics does not exist. So such a superdense state of matter (and matter itself) then could not exist and all pseudo-scientific discussions on this topic are only misleading and explain nothing. Newtonian mechanics at velocities close to the speed of light is not working. Also does not work the whole of modern physics when it approaches the start of the universe.
So we need a new theory and its main postulate should be a law of growth of energy in the multidimensional space, projecting into three-dimensional as the zero point, nothing. This is the vacuum energy, about which modern physics talk, not daring to revise the law of conservation of energy and trying to find energy where it is not. Vacuum as the void can not have any energy. Because the energy is the content of the substance or fields. According to the formula of the ratio of mass and energy with the coefficient, the square of the speed of light. If there is no mass, there is no energy. Because the law of conservation of energy is equivalent to the law of conservation of matter. In the created world, it works but the creation itself it can not describe. Since the creation is a violation of this law, the emergence of matter from nothing. If you do not accept this idea, you can not explain the existence of superdense matter in ultrasmall space before the Big Bang by any physical laws. What could keep it there over an infinite time from exploding and running away in different directions? Or over a finite time? Such forces in nature don’t exist. Gravity can not compress the entire universe into a small ball. And if it could, then the Big Bang and the recession of galaxies would not exist. The entire universe would remain a black hole.
But it is there and growing, so gravity has nothing to do with it. Superdense matter at the beginning of the universe could exist not because of compression of matter by whatever force it was, but due to the fact that it just appeared and has not had time to expand. A black hole occurs when the star spends all its energy through radiation and gravity becomes stronger than the forces of plasma expansion because of its high temperature in the living stars. Otherwise, all the stars would be transformed into black holes immediately after its inception because of their large mass. The universe did not become a black hole at the time of its superdense state for the same reason. It was concentrated heavy duty energy, which forced her to expand through the explosion. According to the law of conservation of energy it could not appear from nowhere to destabilize the matter, stable prior to it at a very small space. The energy in the universe was from the beginning. But then it is not possible to explain the prolonged existence of the universe in superdense form before the explosion.
The only way out of the scientific deadlock is the adoption of the religious idea of creation. If the energy (and therefore the matter) did not exist and it arose under the law of increase of energy out of nothing, then there is its non-material source - God.
Biofield energy.
Biofield theory is proved by biofield therapies. Human biofield vitality, biofield energy is used by biofield healers to help ordinary people in their urgent problems with health. Biofield medicine starts by biofield diagnosis or biofield protection and leads to complete biofield integration with nature and space. Biofield research discovered the laws of biofield interaction in human society based on psychology and ethics known from religion. As the law of karma. Or divine retribution for evil and good. Biofield response from other people to our thoughts and emotions or actual deeds is a reality, seen not only by biofield senses but also by biofield measurements with special devices making photos of our biofield aura, reflecting our real physical state. Anger and hatred provoke back astral strike and ruin our body, causing illnesses and misfortunes such as car accidents. Survival and success in extreme circumstances or in ordinary life competition depends on one’s psychic energy and biofield. Positive attitude towards life and people leads to energy enhancement like by meditation and prayer, contact with God. For He gives vital energy both directly and through nature and men, who support our ideas and efforts in struggle for better life. Biofield hypothesis, derived from magic and fairytales, is specified by biofield science and real results of yogins, biofield quides, who help to achieve mental and physical health and wellbeing with meditation training and meditation techniques. The simplest of which is chanting mantras. Aum and Om, or chakra mantras or special personal mantras selected to fit one’s individual needs or created for a concrete person by a guru himself. Mantra recitation requires rhythm, especially if it is mental, silent meditation in everyday life. Aum Om Aum Om - Om Om Aum Om. Mantra meditation changes human biofield energy and human fate. Invisibly but efficiently during several months. Maximum results come with years. But life is much longer and it is better to get ready for future difficult situations before they begin, when you have time to meditate. Everyone can become a biofield therapist for himself. Using his personal mantra as a preventive measure before any illness begins. Or before any unluck.
Yoga and psychic abilities.
The best psychic protection is yoga meditation. Yoga practice changes karma, enhances psychic energy, developing psychic powers and improving physical and psychic health. Karma yoga, ethics, is the basis of all other yoga training. Raja yoga, Patanjali, suggests as a key mantra Om. Bhakti-yoga uses mantras too. So ethics and meditation are main methods of self defense. They avert dangers and failures in all spheres of life, develop psychic intuitive vision of problems and opportunities, open spiritual psychic world. Where God, the source of spiritual psychic force, lives and rules. Effective psychic guidance should be based on psychic astrology. Psychic advice checked by a personal horoscope is more sure and precise. Psychic phenomena come from the astral world, described by astrology as an astral science. Any experien… Продолжение »